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Sep 20th 2021
This year #ElectionDay kicks off #ClimateWeek which should be all the reminder you need to #VoteClimate, not just in this election but EVERY election. But after today comes & goes, what next? Well, all *sorts* of things! #yyc #elxnyyc
Whoever wins today's election your work as a climate champion begins anew tomorrow morning. We must relentlessly hold winners to their words & ALWAYS push for better. It's not enough to just vote & think your advocacy's done, the ship righted. A safe future needs YOU #ClimateWeek
Hey, this is AB's election SEASON; after today we've got the upcoming municipal elections on Oct 18th! It's at the community & municipal levels that you have the best chance of creating REAL #ClimateAction. Don't worry, the Hub's got you covered on that too! #ClimateWeek #yyccc
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