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Sep 2nd 2021
Are you up for some thrilling challenges?🌚
NEAR RU Community is sponsoring the eighteenth obstacle that you'll encounter.🥳
#NEARProtocol #NEARster #cryptocurrecy #digitalcurrency #bitcoinnews #money #bitcoins #instagramdown #NEAR #thursdaymorning #ThursdayThoughts #NewYork
Five New Frontiers for #NFTs has put together a series of #challenges for you.🤜🤛
So whats there in the challenge🤔
🔘Create NEAR #dApps #telegram bots to mint #NFTs, do swaps, play games, and deliver #notifications about NFT purchases and new @skywardfinance sales.
Bots should make #blockchain transactions on behalf of #individuals with working access keys, using @onchainfx functions.
There are, however, some submission #criterias:
Backend part must be open source, and #smart #contracts are essential.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Are you up for some thrilling challenges?🌚
Linkdrops is sponsoring the seventeenth obstacle that you'll encounter.🥳
#NEARProtocol #NEARster #cryptocurrecy #digitalcurrency #bitcoinnews #money #bitcoins #JungkookDay #RonaldoReturns #Patriots #pats #NEAR Image
Five New Frontiers for #NFTs has put together a series of challenges for you.🤜🤛
So whats there in the #challenge🤔
🔘Set up a (similar) Twitter campaign using the linkdrop v2 #rust contract…
which allows you to drop #NEAR to Twitter accounts depending on a #certain action
👉They encourage you to think #outside the box on which kind of campaigns make sense in order to strike a balance #between #decent UX and not being too #simple to spam!
Read 6 tweets

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