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Mar 26th 2023
10 questions🧵

How in God's name does Ukraine's corruption problem justify an invasion by a dictatorship that is ranked more than 20 places lower in the corruption index?

Why do we still hear the false claim that "Russia just reacted to NATO expansion"?
Why do we see statements calling for an end to the war in Ukraine without mentioning the aggressor and the goals of the Russian leadership, which include de-Ukrainization, subjugation of Ukraine, and annexation of several territories? #Bothsidesism
The imperialistic goals of the Kremlin are communicated not only by propagandists, but also by Russian officials, including leading politicians

Why do some people still think that Russia started the invasion because of "security interests" in its "sphere of influence"?
Read 9 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Why, even one year after the invasion, do some people still attempt to rationalize this criminal war by citing "Russian security interests" and "a response to NATO"?

🇷🇺goals of completely subjugating and at least partially annexing Ukraine have been openly communicated🧵
The Russian leadership and propaganda deny the neighboring country the right to exist as a state and seek to install a puppet government and annex various territories. There is even talk of "de-Ukrainization" #CulturalGenocide
Russian propaganda and officials have even threatened Kazakhstan with "denazification" - i.e., invasion - despite the fact that Kazakhstan is a Russian ally and has no intention of joining NATO.
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Feb 18th 2023
Ukrainian-language books dumped in the street outside the Pryazovskyi State University in Mariupol - some thrown out directly from the windows.

Russia is systematically destroying all remaining Ukraine language and culture in the occupied towns and cities. #CulturalGenocide
This photo was taken by P. Andryushchenko, and I think first posted online by @OlenaHalushka.
Don't hesitate to share your opinion that this is "no worse than" or "just the same thing" as the removal from Ukrainian libraries of books in Russian, the language of the murdering, civilian-killing, raping, child-abducting, genocidal invaders - I look forward to blocking you.
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Feb 16th 2023
What the naive or paid pro-Russian peace movement for some reason usually forgets to mention when it calls for "negotiations"🧵

- 🇷🇺Terror regime in occupied territories
- Defined goals by Russian officials
- RU's genocidal rhetoric and actions RU
- 🇷🇺 Disinfo
🇷🇺Terror regime in occupied territories

In the territories annexed by Russia, the situation is catastrophic. We are talking about persecution, torture, killing of civil society, re-education and deportations. #CulturalGenocide

How can one want to consolidate this situation?
Defined goals - genocidal rhetoric

Russian politicians, propagandists and "experts" rule out negotiations as long as Ukraine does not accept the annexations and does not submit to Russia. The goal is also "de-Ukrainization," the cultural erasure of Ukrainians.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
Thread. Iran's Achilles' heel - Azerbaijanis in Iran.

Tehran tends to stimulate the Armenian-Iranian-Russian partnership against Azerbaijan.

This plan was working efficiently until the II Karabakh war.
During the II Karabakh war, Russia, Iran and their satellites are backed Armenia, whereas much of the West as well as Turkey and Israel are supported Azerbaijan.
In September 2021, Baku decided to impose a road tax on Iranian trucks using roadways that were now under Azerbaijan's control.

When Yerevan controlled those roads, vehicles could pass freely without having to pay any tax.
Read 40 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
The archeological department has resumed their work in Jaffna. A tense situation has arisen in the area due to their excavation work.
#landgrab #sinhalisation #culturalgenocide
The Jaffna office of the archaeological department informed Vali East Pradeshiya Sabha chairman, Thiagarajan Nirosh, that they would be clearing the area near the Nilavarai well, but T. Nirosh requested this in writing.
However, the archaeological department has begun work there without providing written documentation or information. They are also being accused of clearing land illegally.
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Feb 1st 2021
Just read the @sfchronicle article by @RepAdamSchiff & @RepSpeier. First, during decades in Congress, these esteemed politicians have never said a single word about illegal occupation of 20% of #Azerbaijan’s lands by #Armenia & 1 million forcibly displaced #Azerbaijanis. 1/13
Invasion, total ethnic cleansing & nearly 30-year-long occupation of #Azerbaijan’s sovereign territory by #Armenia was well-documented, incl. by @UN Security Council resolutions and successive US administrations, starting with #Clinton Administration. 2/13
Brutal massacres against #Azerbaijani civilian population by Armenian troops, incl. the #Khojaly Genocide of 1992, which @HRW called the #largest massacre in the conflict#, are also well documented. 3/13
Read 13 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
The eviction drive at Puri reached the historic Emara Matha today. The matha which stands as a testimony of Ramanujacharya's arrival at Puri and his influence on the traditions of the temple is not only a heritage building but also a sacred place of worship for Vaishnavas
The matha which is believed to have been established by the disciples of Ramanujacharya and derives its name from Embar the cousin brother of Ramanujacharya. It is widely believed to be the place where Ramanujacharya stayed during his stint at Puri.
The matha has been involved in various social activities apart from being the supervisor of rituals at Srimandira. While Puri Shankaracharya is famous worldwide as protector of dharma at SriKshetra not many know that Emara Matha acharya was the spiritual guardian of the temple
Read 185 tweets
Jul 29th 2019
62 crimes against Hindu temples in 2019 alone. No outrage.

Any attack on a Hindu temple is an attack on Hindus at large. Crimes committed against temples are crimes against Hinduism.

This is #CulturalGenocide of Hindus
A brief summary.

Majority of the crimes against Hindu temples happened in India.
~60% were committed by Muzlims & 30% don't report criminal names.

There's a SHARP rise in crimes since June.

Majority of the crimes include vandalizing deities.

#1 Hindu Temple Vandalized in Kentucky, USA by Christian Extremists
The deity images were spray painted with black paint, a knife was stabbed in the chair. The miscreants left spray painted hate messages on the walls, saying “Jesus is the only God.”
Read 57 tweets
Jul 26th 2019
#AJK #GilgitBaltistan #Kashmir

Story of 90 Years imprisonment
Name: Iftikhar Husain Karbalai
For the people who wave their flag:

You don't want to look that does not mean we are in heaven.
Read 26 tweets
May 31st 2019
On a midnight like this,38 years ago,the #Jaffna Public Library,onetime Asia's finest library with thousands of books and rare documents on #Tamil culture made of ola leaves were burned to ashes by Govt forces. #cultural #genocide #NoJustice
The women who is seated here on a partly burned wooden chair with empty looks in her face is Mrs Nadaraja who was then Chief Librarian of #Jaffna Public library when it was burned down. No one brought before justice for this act of cultural genocide against #Tamil community.
Following the burning of #Jaffna Public library,Mrs Nadarajah left the country. Her new book titled “#Jaffna Public Library-Then & Now” on witnessing this worst cultural genocidal act committed against #Tamil community by Govt sponsored forces to be released in UK tomorrow.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
A tale of two fires?
While the whole world bleats over #NotreDame fire, even Hindus are utterly unaware that 2018 saw fires in SEVEN Hindu temples of Tamil Nadu within a short span of time - including Meenakshi Temple.
#HinduGenocide #CulturalGenocide
No investigations were made, no reports.

What's worse, Hindu rituals happening for more than a millennium were blamed for the fires without any investigation!

No Hindus stepped forward to salvage the damage by offering to rebuild the temples or property destroyed.

This is not a story buried in history. It's just one year old, yet it's completely unknown to everyone!

This is the #CulturalGenocide waged on Hindus while they pledge support over "international calamities" like Notre Dame.

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