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Mar 26th 2023
Why did the 2 arrogant officials decide to play with the #DaylightSavingTime
1- Awarding the airport project by mutual consent disregarding the Public Procurement Law prepared by @IOFLebanon & passed by the Parliament June 2021
This law is one of the main laws demanded internationally, particularly in the context of the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund that ends previous corrupt practices.
2- Obstructing negotiations with @IMFNews since 2020 Despite the urgency
for action to address Lebanon’s deep economic and social crisis. Delaying implementing reforms within the framework of the initial agreement with the IMF only increase the costs to the country and its population.
3- The multiple exchange rate with BDL circulars establishing
Read 5 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
I'm supposed to be writing right now, but #DaylightSavingTime has me all messed up, so instead I'll take this moment to get something off my chest. This is about #TurningRed. I should probably do a video, but I'm a social media dinosaur, so Twitter thread it is!
Been thinking about that critic's review that the film wasn't universal and was limiting since I saw it. I don't think there's any bigger way to announce "I'm a mediocre white man" than to claim you can't see the universal themes in a Disney movie.
To be clear, I love Disney. "Lion King" is one of my favorite movies of all time and "Encanto" might tie for first. I have a whole case of Disney movies on DVD. I watch Disney+ on the regular without my kid just because.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
A few people have asked me what software engineers should know about the #DaylightSavingTime bill (S.623) that just passed the US Senate. Here are my thoughts and guidance... 🧵
1) Don't panic, you have some time to deal with this. Nothing changes until the corresponding House bill (H.R.69) passes and it's signed into law by the President. Even then, nothing changes until the effective date stated in the law.
2) Though not yet in the text of the bill, Senator Rubio said on the Senate floor that it would be delayed until November of 2023. The final text of the law should confirm this.
Read 28 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
87.01/ Week eighty-seven, March 12-18, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 86 below.

Thank God #UkraineStillStands
87.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight suspended tonight because - with the mask mandate lifted and no community spread - I'm back to having social functions that I must attend. #SlawCup

Me: "How can I get everything done? There are only 24 hours in a day!"

Daylight Saving Time: "LOL, no"
Read 60 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
69.01/ Week sixty-nine, Nov. 6-12, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 68 below.
69.02/ Barukh Dayan ha-Emet. Feuerstein was a baal-chesed and tzadik.…
69.03/ #HappyBirthday to all who celebrate!
Read 43 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
Listening to a lecture on chronobiology today and my mind is blown!

I learned that sunrise is important to our health. Living on the western end of a time zone can mean 20% higher rates of obesity and heart attacks because you see the sun later, but get up just as early. 1/
Our bodies need blue light from the sun to activate the *intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells* that signal to our suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that it is morning. The SCN then regulates the rest of our circadian processes. #neurotwitter 2/
Now the Ontario government is proposing permanently adopt Daylight Savings Time which would mean setting our time zone to what we currently have in summer (ie. you wouldn’t see the sun until 9am in the winter). The goal is to increase shopping and potentially decrease crime. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Nov 3rd 2019
#DaylightSavingsTime: Where we time travel as a society by exactly one hour twice a year by falling into the past before springing back to where we were/are.

The only side effects are mass jetlag and minor hysteria.

Note: the states of AR & HI do not share in this witchcraft.
Note: #HawaiiFB can't currently go into over-overtime because they do not participate as a state in #DaylightSavingTime.
Is it #DaylightSavingsTime or #DaylightSavingTime, because Twitter seems pretty evenly split rn.
Read 6 tweets

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