Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #einstein

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1/ 🧠🌌 Embarking on a journey to explore AI, consciousness, and the cosmos, we'll dive into research and knowledge shaping our understanding of the universe. Are you ready for the fascinating world of AI, consciousness, and cosmic connections? #AI #Consciousness #Cosmology
2/ 🎇🔬 From Einstein's theory of relativity to quantum mechanics discoveries, our understanding of the universe has evolved significantly. These advancements set the stage for exploring AI and consciousness. #Einstein #QuantumMechanics #Physics
3/ 🧬🤖 AI research has progressed since Turing's days. Today, we're making breakthroughs in deep learning, neural networks, and reinforcement learning, pushing the boundaries of AI and consciousness. #DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #ReinforcementLearning
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Sigue el ciclo #EnsillArte, sobre la #silla como objeto del #arte, para el #TwitterCultural.

El de la foto es #LeCorbusier, gran genio de la #arquitectura, sentado en una silla #Thonet.

Dijo de esta silla: "Nunca se ha creado algo más elegante y mejor concebido".

Te cuento⬇️
Para ser exactos #LeCorbusier dijo: "Nunca se ha creado algo más elegante y mejor concebido, más preciso en su construcción y más excelentemente funcional".

Se refería a la silla modelo N⁰ 14 de #Thonet, una como ésta, que se hizo famosa en cafés y restaurantes.

Aunque en la foto el arquitecto se sienta sobre un modelo N⁰ 209 de #Thonet, una como ésta, parecida pero de respaldo más bajo y más ancho, reconvertido en reposabrazos.

Todas estas #Thonet son comodísimas, muy resistentes, bellas en su simplicidad.

Read 25 tweets
In this thread, I'll introduce the brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye.
Credible Challenges to General & Special Relativity, Doppler Shift Theory & more.
If Einstein were alive today, he would concede to Dr. Dowdye's scientific evidence and mathematical proofs.
#BlackHistory Image
The brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye…

Why Should We Question Relativity? (FAQs)…

Optics, Electrodynamics & Gravitation based from Re-Worked classic physics/ Galilean Transformations under Euclidean Space…
16 Peer Reviewed Papers by Dr. Dowdye.
Hosted by NASA and Harvard:…

Propagation and Re-Emission of Light:…

Natural Philosophy Bio:…

More background for Dr. Dowdye:…
Read 56 tweets
What are gravitational waves?
#Einstein predicted in 1916.
It took almost a century to realize that.
He was "way ahead of his time".
When a gravitational wave passes through objects will elongate and shrink alternatively.

#Gravity #GravitationalWave 1/n

But #GravitationalWaves are tiny so does the elongation and shrinking.

So scientists build an "L" shaped tunnel and sending laser from the middle point to both the edges and back continuously.

The length of the L shaped tunnel is 2.5 miles each side.

#gravity 2/n
The idea is when #gravitationalwaves pass through the L shape tunnel, one side will shrink and the other side will elongate bcoz they are diagonally opposite to each other.

The instrument is so sensitive that it can measure a change in length as small as 1/1000 of a proton. 3/n
Read 6 tweets
🧨¿Qué es la Filosofía? ¿La ciencia no piensa? ¿Qué es Preguntar?

📚 El libro de #JoséPabloFeinmann nos explica está pregunta aparentemente inocente y afirma que la filosofía cuando se pregunta a sí misma por su condición, esa pregunta siempre es filosófica. (1/7)⤵️ Image
(2/7) Además, las ciencias no se preguntan por sí mismas qué es la física, qué es la química, etc.
Cuando se pregunta qué es la anatomía, qué es la genética, qué es el átomo, no se hace una pregunta científica, se está haciendo una pregunta filosófica. ¡El saber de los saberes⤵️ Image
(3/7) Y, en efecto, la #Filosofía se plantea como saber que totaliza todos los saberes. Por ejemplo, cuando los #Científicos, a los que curiosamente se suele llamar #Sabios: #Oppenheimer, #Einstein, #Heisenberg, ven el estallido de las bombas en #Hiroshima y #Nagasaki, dicen: ⤵️ Image
Read 7 tweets
Queuing up for tonight's sold out (but streaming) Community Lecture by Fractal Faculty Professor @seanmcarroll!
🧵 Follow this thread as we look into Schröedinger's Box with @seanmcarroll (newly appointed to Chair of #NaturalPhilosphy at @johnshopkins) and learn about the #ManyWorlds hypothesis of #QuantumMechanics:

"Even if we're wrong, it's not magic, it's #physics, it's #science, and it can be understood."

"When we look at the world, we don't see the entirety of reality. What reality is, is the #superposition of the many different ways..."

"#Space is one of the many things in #reality."
Read 24 tweets
#SatyendraNathBose FRS was an Indian mathematician and physicist specialising in theoretical physics. He is best known for his work on quantum mechanics in the early 1920s, in developing the foundation for Bose statistics and the theory of the Bose condensate. Image
Today, @Google honours and pays tribute to the Indian physicist and mathematician with doodle.
By 1917, Bose began giving lectures on physics. While teaching postgraduate students Planck’s radiation formula, Bose had questioned the way particles were counted and began experimenting with his own theories.
Read 9 tweets
Què són les #OnesGravitacionals (OG)? Com es poden mesurar i quina informació ens aporten?

Si voleu saber quines missions les estudien i quina recerca se’n fa a l’@IEEC_space, no us perdeu el fil següent 👇


Segons la #TeoriaGeneralRelativitat d'Albert #Einstein, les OG són ondulacions en el teixit de l'espai-temps produïdes per l'acceleració dels cossos massius.

Gràcies a elles podem observar l’Univers mitjançant, únicament, la gravetat 🧐
El detectors d’OG son #interferòmetres làser amb uns braços d'uns 4 km de longitud.

Tenen una #precisió extrema que els permet detectar desfasaments entre els raigs reflectits als miralls dels extrems amb resolucions equivalents a distàncies subatòmiques 💪

Read 11 tweets
Il numero di @limesonline, che non è rivista #putinista, ha un titolo vero e non vero allo stesso tempo.Non vero perché la #pace era finita da tempo, almeno dalla #guerradelgolfo;vero perché con l'#ucraina siamo ad un salto di paradigma, che vede in campo anche le #arminucleari >
Oltre alla inedita #militarizzazione del #pensiero e dell'#informazione nel nostro paese e un proditorio aumento strutturale delle #spesemilitari. La guerra non è più continuazione della #politica con altri mezzi ma sostituzione della politica.Incapace di agire responsabilmente >
O comprendiamo la lezione di #Russell ed #Einstein ("Dobbiamo imparare a pensare in modo nuovo: non come favorire una vittoria militare, ma come impedire i conflitti armati, il cui esito può essere catastrofico per tutti") imparando ad affrontare i conflitti con la nonviolenza >
Read 4 tweets
87.01/ Week eighty-seven, March 12-18, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 86 below.

Thank God #UkraineStillStands
87.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight suspended tonight because - with the mask mandate lifted and no community spread - I'm back to having social functions that I must attend. #SlawCup

Me: "How can I get everything done? There are only 24 hours in a day!"

Daylight Saving Time: "LOL, no"
Read 60 tweets
#Espace - Les bonnes raisons d'y aller
🌿À l'heure de la #COP26, pourquoi dépenser de l'énergie et des finances pour aller dans l'espace. #Thread de quelques éléments de réponses du côté optimiste de la force 🤞
#espace #écologie #spacegeek Space final frontier - illustration Elite Dangerous
1. Pour trouver notre place dans l'#univers, #explorer, #rêver.
Historiquement, l'observation des étoiles a interrogé, fait rêver. Domaine des dieux, sphère céleste, on étudie le ciel nocturne et l'évolution de soleil en journée qui rythme les vies.
#astronomie #histoire #Science
🔭Les #philosophes déblayant les principes de la mécanique céleste posent les bases de l'#astronomie moderne, s'égarant parfois dans des interprétations erronées. Les briques sont posées et ainsi naîtra les #science, #physique, #astrologie, ...
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/03/2021…
Monarch butterflies may be thriving after years of decline. Is it a comeback?…

#MonarchButterflies #PopulationIncrease #DataAnalysis
Ignorant and Afraid - by eugyppius - eugyppius: a plague chronicle…

#politicians #bureaucrats #propaganda #information #ignorance #fear
Read 11 tweets
In the theory of #specialRelativity, time (t) and the well-known spatial coordinates (x, y, z) are all treated equally. Just as particles can have physical quantities in space such as position, velocity, momentum, acceleration, etc.
Particles can also have a component of these quantities along the time axis. Indeed everything we see is moving all the time, even the stationary bodies. Stationary bodies are stationary in space (with respect to us only), but they move all the time along the time axis.
Since time can't be separated from our measurement of the universe, how can we visualize that new axis? We live in a 3D space and our minds aren't capable of realizing extra dimensions, hence there's no way to depict the 4 dimensions all at once.
Read 14 tweets
Albert #Einstein’s neat cursive has achieved pop culture status: A letter he wrote featuring the E = mc² equation recently sold for nearly $1.25 million at auction. But Einstein’s handwriting is also a microcosm of his turbulent life, argues @_rdahn [1/5]…
Einstein actually employed a different type of German handwriting early in his life. Called Kurrent script, it looks quite different than the Latin cursive still taught in some English-language schools today. [2/5]

Credit: Der Damen-Briefsteller, 1866/Public Domain Kurrent script.
Einstein switched from Kurrent script to Latin cursive in 1905—the same year he published his annus mirabilis papers. Part of the reasoning behind his decision was surely practical: Foreign scientists could read German, but they often struggled to read Kurrent. [3/5]
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/21/2021…
Vulnerable nations lead by example on Sustainable Development Goals research…

#SustainableDevelopmentGoals #ResearchPriorities #consequences
How Bell’s Theorem Proved ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Is Real…

#BellsTheorem #SpookyAction #proof #QuantumMechanics
Read 8 tweets
En todo lado vuelve periódicamente la discusión sobre el costo de la #energia. Y detrás, del rol del Estado y de los mecanismos de mercado. Lo que está pasando en el sector eléctrico en 🇫🇷 da insumos al debate. #SpoilerAlert: deja a los liberales más despeinados que #Milei 1/22👇
Luego de la IIGM, Francia se reconstruye con el programa del Conseil National de la Résistance que nacionaliza el sector energético. En 1946 nace #EDF como monopolio sobre la generación, transporte y distribución de electricidad (subsisten ahí algunas cooperativas locales).
La literatura llama al transporte y distribución monopolios naturales: no hay racionalidad económica tener infraestructuras paralelas. El casi monopolio en la concesión de distribución permitió una #equidad territorial en servicio/tarifa a pesar de la disparidad de rentabilidad.
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We must understand that #physics is not technology.
Lacs of #Physicsts teach d subject but don't know:
1. Big bang loaded mass with motion down to subatomic level. So PE & KE r wrong.
2. #Newton made time a physical quantity & gave us momentum mv.
3. But he mis-stepped next
4. 1st Law of motion clearly states that non-accelerating bodies r at rest. So Earth & other bodies have 0 gravity.
5. From times immemorial ships have been moving in contravention to 2nd & 3rd Law.
6. Since g is zero big G being product of earth parameters is zero.
7. Space being a choreography of curves can't allow linear pathways.
8. Motion can't happen without a center of motion.
9. Time & Length r wed to each other. T = 2 root L. Pendulum!
10. Buoyancy is wrong. A submerged body will sink if v let it go.
11. But loss of mass?
Read 6 tweets
A collision in #space revealed a #blackhole that physicists thought could never exist. The observatory that detected it cracked a 100-year-old mystery posed by #Einstein.…
Seven billion years ago, two black holes crashed into each other and merged into one enormous #blackhole with the mass of 142 suns.
The collision reverberated through space and time, and these ripples — a phenomenon called gravitational waves first predicted by #AlbertEinstein — traveled 16.5 billion light-years through the universe, reaching #Earth in May 2019.
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#astronomia #Ciencia #Einstein #16Julio
(1/15) A principio del siglo XX Albert Einstein revolucionó el mundo de la física con sus teorías de la relatividad. En su teoría de la relatividad general exponía que la gravedad no era más que la deformación del espacio por la presencia de un cuerpo masivo.
(2/15) Esta teoría, planteaba que el concepto de gravedad introducido por Newton en 1687 como una fuerza de atracción entre dos cuerpos, estaba errado, de modo que se trataba de un asunto de geometría en lugar de una fuerza. Es fácil imaginar la controversia que se generó.
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Per #Einstein #Podolsky e #Rosen in una teoria #completa a ciascun elemento della #realtà deve corrispondere un elemento della teoria. La critica principale di #EPR alla #meccanica #quantistica non è l’aleatorietà dei risultati delle misure ma la sua supposta #incompletezza
Nell’articolo del 1935…
affermano che se è possibile nell’ambito della teoria predire con certezza il valore di una grandezza e misurarla senza senza disturbare il sistema, allora deve esistere un elemento della #realtà corrispondente a questa grandezza
Quindi per una particella in uno stato “psi”, data una grandezza fisica associata ad un operatore “A” e un numero reale “a”, se vale
A*psi = a*psi
significa che per la particella nello stato “psi” esiste un elemento della realtà fisica che corrisponde alla grandezza “A”
Read 10 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/12/2020-2…

What Doctors on the Front Lines Wish They’d Known a Month Ago - The New York Times…

#CommonSense #Covid19 #Doctors #coronavirus
Don’t Lose the Thread. The Economy Is Experiencing an Epic Collapse of Demand. - The New York Times…

#collapse #epic #demand #economy
Defund (and redesign) everything. - Deep Code - Medium…

#defund #institutions #redesign
Read 12 tweets
#EinsteinFiles La forte critica di Albert #Einstein alla politica #USA in patria e all'estero ha dato all'ufficio del Dir #FBI #EdgarHoover molto lavoro...… Image
#FBI investigò su un suggerimento che il figlio di Albert #Einstein era ostaggio in #UnioneSovietica ed Einstein era stato trasformato in un riluttante schiavo per paura della vita di suo figlio...(1949) Image
L'#FBI riceveva un sacco di avvisi via posta da informatori anonimi contro Albert #Einstein..per es Non ci si può fidare di Einstein (anche gli #UFO sono un prototipo di super arma della #Russia)
#Russiafake... Image
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In this month's A&G, read all about the growth of the field of Cosmology, from its speculative origins to the respected discipline it is today, by Malcolm Longair… #cosmology
(Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/L Jenkins [GSFC]) an image of space, with 3 bright objects
@RoyalAstroSoc @AstronGeo @OxfordJournals @astro_librarian @KICC_official Early research in #MNRAS was largely based on observational astronomy, but a great number of important advances in cosmology have since been published with us as the field has grown. We look back on some of these groundbreaking discoveries... Hubble Deep Field. A detailed image of space.
The work of Albert Einstein was a clear foundation of things to come, outlined by Willem de Sitter in #MNRAS through a compilation of papers, starting with ‘On Einstein's Theory of Gravitation and its Astronomical Consequences’👨‍🏫… #Einstein A photograph of Albert Einstein, writing on a blackboard.
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