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Jul 23rd 2021
$ENZC PLEASE watch this! This was an absolute bomb. @drgauravchandra talking about it’s #COVID19 and #ai platform. Why chase mutations when you have the complete cure! This is incredible. #mRNA #COVID #DeltaPlusVariant Tag health professionals get the word out @enzolytics #lonza
I mean.. Intel is on this. What more do you want?
Read 14 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
देशातील #COVID19 परिस्थितीसंदर्भात @MoHFW_INDIA ने केलेली कृती, तयारी आणि अद्ययावत माहिती यासंबंधी पत्रकारपरिषद.

वेळ- 4.00 वाजता

पाहा पीआयबी युट्यूबवर-

#Unite2FightCorona @PIBMumbai
दैनंदिन रुग्णसंख्येत सातत्याने घट

14 मे- 3,43,144

29 जून- 37,566

मे महिन्यात नोंदवलेल्या सर्वोच्च रुग्णसंख्येच्या तुलनेत दैनंदिन रुग्णसंख्येत सुमारे 91% नी घट.

27 जून रोजी संपलेल्या आठवड्यात दिसून येते की, 100 पेक्षा अधिक रुग्णसंख्या नोंदवलेल्या जिल्ह्यांची संख्या 111 एवढी आहे.

Read 15 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
BREAKING—Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday the #DeltaVariant now accounts for ~20% of newly diagnosed cases in U.S. and **will become dominant #COVID19 strain** within weeks. FT also estimated 31%, meaning it’s doubled/tripled in 1 week!🧵 HT @Dawn_Kopecki…
2) It just exploded in the U.K. It went from a minor variant to now more than 90% of the isolates in the U.K.," Fauci said the variant has a doubling time of about two weeks and currently accounts for 20% of the isolates in the U.S., which are newly diagnosed infections.
3) "So you would expect, just the doubling time, in several weeks to a month or so it's going to be quite dominant, that's the sobering news."
The variant, first emerged in India, has quickly swept the globe. WHO officials said that delta has been found in at least 92 countries.
Read 22 tweets

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