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Aug 1st 2020
Fascinating (but not surprising) that MOST #ANTZ call out from their ECHO (Echo echo) chambers claiming to know what ALL #vape 'fans' think. So here's a tweet thread from a persons who #vapes and is a fan of #TobaccoHarmReduction, to clarify what ONE person in that group thinks.. Image
I'm completely in favor of 'phasing out' combustible #cigarettes. #THR products like #vape, #snus & #HTP could do that in a decade or so if the moron #ANTZ (like Ruth) had not demonized #nicotine & currently .. 'fight' against alternative nicotine products.
But when an #ANTZ says 'phasing out', my auto-correct inserts 'prohibition', and I definitely don't support that. It is a #HumanRight for people to choose to consume drugs, and the role of (ACTUAL) #PublicHealth ppl should be to encourage them to do so in the safest way possible.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 27th 2019
The Victorian Government is the latest stakeholder to express concern about vaping, saying e-liquids are becoming increasingly more dangerous.
A torrent of #FUD on..
#vape #vaping #eLiquid #nicotine in #Victoria #Australia…
This title is deceptive in that it mentions #eLiquid but then goes on to discuss the components (concentrated #nicotine) used to MAKE e-liquid.
In a regulated, legal market there'd be no need for the latter to be in the homes of #Australians who want to #QuitSmoking via #vaping.
"Minister for Health .@JennyMikakos released data from the Victorian Poisons Information Centre that shows concentrations of #nicotine are getting stronger and the number of child poisonings from e-liquids are increasing."
Caps on maximum strength (in a regulated, legal market).
Read 16 tweets

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