I'm anti-pathogen. I'm so /pro-vax/ that when I came up with this theory, I spent a considerable amount of time turning it into an animated infographic, and promote it whenever I notice the topic come up (not that often, given my laser focus on #THR).
No, I don't 'believe' in seat belts, I wear them.
I expect they will reduce the harm (AKA #HarmReduction, seemingly a concept unknown to #ANTZ) if the car I'm in is involved in a collision. I've worn them since a child, long before they were compulsory.
In countries with no state funded #HealthCare, 🤷do as you please.
- If talking about /actual/ PH, no.
- If talking about your industry, don't care.
- If talking about you/your job, note that I have as much concern for you as you show for #nicotine consumers. (..Read between the lines.)
"I'll take the 5th, your honor!"