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Aug 8th 2021
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Oct 19th 2019
Issues related to #shadowbanking are so complicated that it confuses many practitioners from the financial sector even today,said CF40 member Wu Ge,1/6…
Rather than #discriminating against this sector, a more active, positive and supportive approach should be adopted in order to guide the industry to develop in a more market-oriented way. 2/6
From the perspective of #liberalizing the interest rate, the development of shadow banking should not be excluded. Financial disintermediation can accelerate the marketization of interest rate. 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Jan 31st 2017
12) In 2015&2016,46 Hindus targeted&killed in WB,Kerala,UP&K'taka.When will @narendramodi_in break silence & save #HinduHumanRights?
13)UPA did not give visa to USIRF but Modi gave 2 visas.During his official trip to India,USIRF chief criticized Ind:
14)BJP minister states that Hindu-festival is a “day of massacre”. Why is BJP silently endorsing such anti-Hinduism?
Read 25 tweets

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