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Apr 5th 2021
The same @Pontifex who condemned Azerbaijan’s military aggression against Armenia, the same Pope to recognize the #ArmenianGenocide you deny, and the same Pope that on Easter called on #Azerbaijan to #FreeArmenianPows

Oh and by the way, read this Nasimi
From talking about @Pontifex and #Easter to fake propaganda and #Armenophobia #DontBelieveAzerbaijan Image
1) King Urnayr of Caucasian Albania was baptized by Catholicos Saint Gregory the Illuminator in 314. Caucasian Albania along with Caucasian Iberia (326) were extremely intertwined with Armenia and among the first nations to convert to Christianity. Nothing to do with Azerbaijan.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 18th 2020
I refuse to believe that humanity is dead. But I get fresh proofs everyday.

A thread of 21 inhuman facts about 21 days of war in Artsakh. And how the world is silent.

#StopAzerbaijaniAggression #SanctionTurkey #RecognizeArtsakh
1. 3 weeks ago, during a global pandemic, 105 years after the Armenian Genocide, Armenia, a country of 3m people, of which 150k lived peacefully in Artsakh for centuries, was attacked by Azerbaijan (10m) with full support of Turkey (82m). The world is silent.
2. Turkey managed the offensives and deployed thousands of Syrian terrorists here just for this blitzkrieg. It also supports the air strikes with F-16 and suicide drones. The world is silent.

Read 28 tweets

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