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Apr 13th 2023
Love is the house of God and you are living in that house.
#FamilyIsEveryThing ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
“Love somebody today”?

I love my Mother.

She’s going to be A Grandmother soon, she’ll be the best ..


My Cousin Tom, he married A woman from Russia & is why Russia was chosen to go up against Ukraine. None of it is real, it all just means I have to do
Certain things for certain individuals & doing that makes it all stop for the world ..

But few believe in Anything I’m showing/been showing all these years, most need someone else to be me …
Read 4 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
I got your back .@TheMarkHenry ..

These mainstream people play politics with peoples lives. If the NFL were A smaller production, (no disrespect) like an INPACT wrestling, nothing like this would be of discussion but it’s not ..

It’s A #GIANT & many within that giant truly
Do not care About human life behind the scenes ..

Eventually the world will be given the truth about the NFL & all other major sports being Scripted.

If something like this happened in .@WWE, where A wrestler collapsed due to A collision,
decisions made would be made according to what’s best for the athlete & not based on what sponsors need to happen because of rating/many other corporate GIANT factors ..

The puppets will be puppets.
Those who are true will stay true & at the end of the day, ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
Someone wrote this on A Walgreens Brick as A message, they did it knowing I would see it. .

Jesus = Santa
Santa = Satan
Satan = Jesus
Jesus = Freeing Everyone from Hell
Fallen Angels/Nephilim, The Fallen will rise.

…”And Hell Followed with him”
The photo above with the Pentagram, numbers, Crown & THE SAME SYMBOL that’s on the JFKs Neck & The Garden Sign—Used as A signature, meaning I know exactly who wrote the WRITING ON THE WALL.

The Monsters in the video I’m retweeting, it shows “the devil” (Hell Boy) fighting
The worst evil this world has ever seen …


Men In Black 3, J has to JUMP OFF A BUILDING in order to time travel back to where he from ..

Agent #J Agent #F Agent #K

My Birthday is 10-11-1987, The TWIN Towers went down
Read 25 tweets
Nov 9th 2022


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You’ve never been useless to Me, everyone has purpose & can choose to do good. Glass ImageImage
Is always half full seeing through my eyes…

I have always cared.

.@RonKillings —Love you & All that you continue doing ! Image
“No Deals”
The New Deal Skateboards;

When ones never thought Forgiveness would happen or be an option, Someone chose to show MERCY — So bad chose to do good because they were forgiven.
“When Bad does good” for the country, they play their role purposely SHOWING how things ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
.@actionofcreate —Down the road after 1.0 Drops 9-22, it would be really cool to see Polls asking the community which DLC characters should be added to #Session ..

A #Legends Poll, A Newer Era(Those who have been on the scene for at least 15 years) Poll & A Grom Poll of up N
Comers climbing the ladder into the industry …

My Top 13 Legends I would be stoked to see as DLC 1 DAY ;
1 - Guy Mariano
2 - Stevie Williams
3 - Steve Caballero
4 - Ed Templeton
5 - Jamie Thomas
6 - Mark Gonzales
7 - Natas Kaupas
8 - Marc Johnson
9 - Sean Sheffey
Read 6 tweets
Jun 9th 2022

“Take your shot”


Remember when the FF happened where Someone opened fire on A softball game or practice?
It was A charity game or something?
Police Vs firefighters maybe?

If you know what I’m
Talking about, you should think about going back & digging deeper on where it happened, who did it & when it took place.

Evil/corruption has been planning for A very long time. What firearm was the guy using? AR-15?

I guarantee you, all the dots will connect to other FF’s
That happened further ahead in time.. That is how these evil entities work, [they] leave [their] fingerprint on everything [they] do. Each fingerprint connects/leads to what [they] will do next & where/when [they] will strike next.
[they] have had all of this planned for
Read 14 tweets
May 18th 2022
Good Question, WHY DO most people in this world choose to make fun/bully others who are different? …

Just look at the way people talk about 1 individual within this movement, an individual who has absolutely NOTHING negative to say about anyone else.
Crazy how that works,huh?
All of it just PROVES #WHY this world is the way it is & #HOW it got to be as bad as it has ..

Think of all those individuals who have been SCREAMING/Crying out for help but their words were just ignored because ones were asleep or to afraid to talk about TRUTH because
Of the bullies/Haters judgements continuously being placed upon ones who see/hear beyond what other can/choose too.

How many Warning Signs of what has happening in the world this whole time & how to stop the monsters doing it were shot down by those bullies/haters?

How many
Read 27 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
Song # 3

“Did I save you, cause I know you saved me too”

Are you ready?

I put it together, for the world—all they have to do is open their eyes ..

We ALL walk TOGETHER, be not afraid ChapelTown Rag … I know you see daily, always have.
I will wash your feet & Taylors.
Wash it all away !

I never gave up on anyone & Don’t care about those who gave up on me.
The ONLY thing that matters is that I have EVERYONE by my side, #FamilyIsEverything .✍️
I don’t care what ANYONE has to say about what I wrote above, it’s from the heart. Negativity
Or haters only PROVES why this world is the way it is & how it got so bad. Haters instill FEAR into those that want to speak from the heart but DON’T because they FEAR what others may think of them.

I have no fear & I don’t care what ANYONE has to say that’s negative.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
Happy 414 Day, Opening DoorAY Week !!!

American FAMILY Field, #FamilyIsEverything !!

Do you know #WH-Y Miller Park was changed to AMERICAN #FAMILY FIELD?
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Mar 31st 2022
JOHN 3:16
John F Kennedy Jr

I choose to forgive John & Replant his Flowers, it’s what MOTHER would have wanted ..

What #SONG upon arrival to the #LZ ? …

Castle Of Glass, Into A Million pieces ..
-Splinter Cell
Shredders • T. BURTON
Vincent KENNEDY McMahon, created Stone Cold Steve Austin as A mirror image of himself .. VKM chose to be the “bad guy”/The Authority that he despised in the world, Of all who rose up against “The Authority”, Stone Cold Steve Austin was FEARED the MOST by VKM (the character) …
Because of what ALL OF [THEM] have done to Johns Family & John ..

He planned his whole life around Vengeance, fearing God would never forgive him for what he knew he had to do or the fear of God not caring about ANY of it.
That Vengeance sought after, it weighs on
Read 13 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
My Grandfather Fought for this Country, for his HOME & FAMILY … He knew all of the secrets & all of the truths [they] didn’t want anyone knowing ..
Because he couldn’t speak about those truths to anyone, he left answers within Some of the things he left behind …
Those truths
Haunted him when he was alive, haunted him to the point he drank himself to death. .
He passed away before I was ever born but what he left behind, he knew it would be seen with the eyes it was all meant to be seen with ..

A Fathers Love For His Children KNOWS no Bounds.

Or #FamilyIsEverything ONLY for those ones within this movement who have been “chosen” by the movement & everyone else is the equivalent too the GUM on the bottom of your shoes?

Have A Nice Day, the truth sets the world free.

Yellow, The Y.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
I Promise you, .@RealKevinNash —He is in Good Hands, Wash It All Away …

I Love You & Thank you for always being there for someone that was in need of A Rock …
There aren’t many left in the world today that’ll be there for those in the darkest moments of their lives. Image
So many lives are just given up on or thrown away like pieces of Garbage, Too have someone like you in Scotts life has done much more than you know ..
It’s shown others what TRUE FRIENDSHIP/#FAMILY looks like, to be there for someone no matter what.✍️

I Know you won’t see
This but it’s here, I’m always here for all of you—No Matter What!

Who Cares if one more light goes out ? …
I Do, I care .✍️

Peace be with you! … Image
Read 7 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
Thank You, .@VinceMcMahon ! …
Thank You, .@DanScavino
Thank You to all the Talent for putting on 1 of the greatest RR shows of ALL TIME!
Thank You, EVERYONE behind the scenes!

#WE R, ‘United By F8’ …
The Shoe Fits, I Accept who I Am..


“Be Ready”

The people never saw it coming, I guess that’s what happens when 30% of the map is thought to be 100% of the map for 5 years. .

The TWIST No One saw coming.

I Have Never Known Trust Like The 9 …
Read 4 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
.@JonMoxley is talking about SCARS ..

When you see this, I just want you to know I Love You so much !!!

I will always stand up in front of the world showing my scars, it’s who I AM ..

It feels so good to have him back !!!
Read 7 tweets

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