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#Ukraine's #Zelenskyy sacks top officials in anti-#corruption clear-out | -3h
- Zelenskyy has sacked over a dozen senior officials following corruption allegations, in Ukraine's biggest political shake-up of the #war so far.…
#Ukraine Rocked By #Corruption #Scandal, Wave Of Top Officials Resign: Sports Cars, Mansions Luxury Vacations As People Suffered | Jan 24
- regional govs, officials overseeing regions including the #Zaporizhzhia and #Kherson regions. Image
Defense minister #Reznikov under fire as #corruption probes rock #Ukraine | Jan 23
- Oleksii involved purchases of military rations at #inflated prices - a topic that has snowballed into top news in #Kyiv.… Image
Read 14 tweets
Tras días de ajustes finales, creo que estamos en situación de compartir con la comunidad lo q llevamos trabajando en las últimas semanas: un repositorio estructurado de contenido sobre Complex Problem Solving según la visión que le da @Recuenco.
He venido a llamarlo CPS Notebook
En este hilo de hace unos días adelantaba un poco de dónde surgía la idea, y qué objetivos quería cumplir: intentar estructurar lo que nos enseña @Recuenco sobre CPS, para asimilar mejor los conceptos y conectarlos entre sí
Básicamente, y para no liarnos demasiado, empezamos con un disclaimer: esto es un trabajo personal y aún está en curso.
Personal en cuanto a que surge a partir del deseo de sistematizar (si eso es posible) lo que nos cuenta @Recuenco.Y en curso porque todo esto es un primer draft
Read 45 tweets
#covidlong : 1er webinaire de nos amis suisses des @Hopitaux_unige et de @UnisanteVD destiné aux #physiothérapeutes, animé par @mayssamnehme et avec la participation de
🔹#FrancisMcGuire @my_physio qui a expliqué la façon dont il prend en charge les patients et notamment :
❌pas de squat ou de burpee
❌pas de programme tout fait qui ne respecterait pas le patient et sa forme le jour où il est présent
❌pas de travail à haute intensité
❌pas de test susceptible de développer des #MPE (malaises post effort)
❎un programme adapté au patient
❎importance du soutien psychologique
❎des attentes correctes et correspondant aux possibles
❎la tenue d'un journal de bord au début pour comprendre ce qui pour le patient engendre de la fatigue (cognitive - planification, concentration,
Read 14 tweets
LOS CULPABLES DE TODOS LOS MALES DE OCCIDENTE! PERO LOS DE VERDAD! LOS QUE MANEJAN LOS HILOS! #stop #Agenda2030 #elite #masones #satanicos #otan #onu #oms #fmi
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🚨 #covidlong #automédication 🚨
Je sais, et je l'accepte, souvent avec tristesse et parfois avec colère, que nous n'avons pas ts les mêmes façons de tenir ds la durée, surtout pour les vétérans de début 2020 qui ne notent aucune amélioration voire n'ont toujours pas réussi
à trouver au moins un #généraliste qui grâce aux fiches pratiques élaborées par la @HAS_sante en collaboration notamment avec des représentants des malades (🙏 aux membres de @apresj20 et @MillionsMissgFr) pourrait poser les 1ers diagnostics et vous proposer des traitements
paliatifs pour les symptômes que l'on sait aujourd'hui soulager.
Je reste convaincue de l'importance d'1 accompagnement pour apprendre à #vivremalgré cette maladie chronique invalidante et son lot de douleurs, de galères administratives et financières, de renoncement.
Read 20 tweets

“Take your shot”


Remember when the FF happened where Someone opened fire on A softball game or practice?
It was A charity game or something?
Police Vs firefighters maybe?

If you know what I’m
Talking about, you should think about going back & digging deeper on where it happened, who did it & when it took place.

Evil/corruption has been planning for A very long time. What firearm was the guy using? AR-15?

I guarantee you, all the dots will connect to other FF’s
That happened further ahead in time.. That is how these evil entities work, [they] leave [their] fingerprint on everything [they] do. Each fingerprint connects/leads to what [they] will do next & where/when [they] will strike next.
[they] have had all of this planned for
Read 14 tweets
🚨Joanna, a été poignardé et étranglé hier chez elle à Nice, pendant son sommeil et devant ses enfants de 5,6 et 7 ans par son ex compagnon.


Une cagnotte est en ligne pour Johanna et ses enfants 🙏


L'article: //
Read 3 tweets
Textual en una TV de #Argentina. Dice dice el presentador: si el Ministerio de #Sanidad dice que no tiene aislado el #Sarcov2, contra qué están inoculando? 😂 #Plandemia #España #Covid #COVID19 #coronavirus
Un médico en #España dice claramente y textualmente que NO llevaría a sus hijos a vacunarse. #Plandemia #VacunateContraLaCovid #COVID19 #coronavirus #España
DEP este guerrero español , despierto y amante de la libertad que contribuyó en la causa contra la farsa de la #plandemia. #España #covid
Read 100 tweets
Let me tell you A littl3 BIG Town Secret, #WE Win .. #TOMORROW ..
Read 11 tweets
The guilt some hold within for what "they" have done to Humanity is too much . .
No matter how much God says "I Forgive You", "they" refuse to forgive themselves . .

Your life matters.
Without Darkness, there would be no Light.

I Forgive.
I Care, Always have & Always will . .
No matter how bad the crime these people have committed or how evil these demons are, I choose to COMFORT #AllLife . .

All so many people in All these groups/movements/Factions is
Choose to make life difficult for themselves.
Ones say they are of God & follow God but refuse to do ALL the things that God would do to make this ALL #STOP. .
So many just keep going & going & going with the hate or talking like they are above someone else. All the "Experts"
Read 4 tweets
Five years ago today, Jo Cox MP was murdered by a racist shouting "Britain First".

Yesterday, @BBC journalist Nick Watt was harassed & abused.

Politicians, the press & TV & radio presenters MUST #STOP using divisive, provocative & inflammatory populist nationalist rhetoric.
Mair was a #racist, radicalized by the Far-Right, persuaded that white people were being erased.

But his greatest obsession & deepest bitterness was over those white people whom he condemned as “the collaborators”: the liberals, the left & the media - in other words, the "WOKE".
The 'culture war' is not merely an argument between 'two sides' about Britain's future: it's a deliberately divisive, antagonistic, & extremely dangerous political strategy that mobilses polarizing rhetoric to radicalize millions of people, with sometimes deadly consequences.
Read 6 tweets
I was almost #attacked tonight. I was walking w/my friend back to her home tonight. We had encountered a young woman intoxicated &were trying to get her to the YWCA. 3 men ran out and up a small hill around the #library They had masks covering their faces and hoodies over hair
I watched them get closer as my friend stayed with this young intoxicated girl. Every step, they became faster. As they started literally charging across #stafforddrive I turned, faced them and yelled at them to #stop My friend was on the phone w/help & I kept #yelling
They retreated into the bus shelter outside the library. We Beelined to the YWCA
You know why they stopped? I looked one of them right in the eyes and I saw the small amount of skin visible. This man is #Caucasian & I don’t think they were expecting me or my friend to be #white
Read 13 tweets
"Guns are Safe"
If I continued showed you WHY the Entire world was created, Would you stop treating one another poorly? Would you all finally just be yourselves? Would you start being the BEST version of yourself you can be?
I Don't like being Mocked as I have been by so many.
I Will continue showing you WHY Evil in this world did everything they did to ALL of you ..

WHY do dates & Times matter? Does it prove when something was posted? Does it prove something was posted before Evil in this world tried canceling culture?

Does it prove that Evil in this world only did what THEY did out of spite & NOT because things were so called "Racist"? Does it put these people in their place and the proof I am giving ALL of you, can it be used s A TOOL?

Read 6 tweets
Swalwell: Dec. 19, Trump tweeted to come to march in DC Jan. 6, telling his supporters to be there. “It will be wild.” for the next 18 days, Trump reminded them over and over to show up Jan. 6.
showing tweet after Trump tweet in late Dec. and January telling supporters to come to DC march on Jan. 6, including retweeting Kylie Kremer “The calvary is coming, Mr. President! Jan. 6 #Stop the Steal.
“we are bringing the calvary,”
Swalwell: this was not one tweet, one speech. ...
shows one of Trump tweets the night before attack threatening Senate Republicans telling them thousands of supporters arriving in dc and won’t stand congress certifying the election.
“this was never about one speech.”
Read 4 tweets
#Thread #COVIDSecondWave
Dire warning from Dr Darayus Gazder, a young doctor in #Karachi: Second wave is very strong, patients are highly critical and sick. We have a waiting list of over 10 per bed. People are dying/suffering alone w no one to say goodbye!
It's painful
Some deteriorate within minutes. Others who survive COVID have permanent severe #lung damage, can't eat a single meal w/o high flow oxygen, later die painfully as if #drowning once respiratory/cardiac muscles can't compensate as oxygen is depleted.
- Dr Darayus Gazher 2/n
Educated people should take this seriously. But they are Instead throwing parties, weddings, going to sports events, malls, shopping, eating out with no precautions, even mocking the disease. This selfish behaviour must end as it endangers ALL age groups
- Dr Darayus Gazder 3/n
Read 8 tweets
🔴 [THREAD] Chiffres bidonnés, fake news et mesures arbitraires : voici pourquoi nous n’accepterons pas le #reconfinement.

#COVID19fr Image
1. C’est Olivier Veran lui-même qui le dit : « C’est le #confinement qui provoque la circulation du virus ».
2. Les #hôpitaux sont saturés ? Oui, comme tous les ans à la même époque. Et cela n’a jamais justifié le bouclage général du pays.
Read 10 tweets
"The Devil is a liar" shouted his wife as she tried to turn on the car.

"How is the Devil a liar? What has the Devil done this time?" He asked his wife as he sat on the passenger seat. She was to drive today
"Well, we've run out fuel and we need to get to the Church event quickly. I am preaching today and the Devil is trying to frustrate me. The Devil is a liar" she said then declared some Bible verses.

He laughed and looked to the side.
"What are you laughing at?" She asked him turning to face him.

"Why are you making the Devil famous?" He asked her.

She looked at him surprised. Giving him that spiritual face.

"Honey, the Devil is not to blame for the low fuel, we are. u forgot to go to the petrol station
Read 16 tweets
On Monday 14th Sept we will be launching #theartistandtheprof, an artistic collaboration between myself and @LauraNyahuye @maokwo exploring themes of #migration #identity #belonging and what it means to be boxed in and categorised as #migrants #women #mothers #wives...(1/?) Image
Funded by @covcampus @warwickuni as part of @Coventry2021 this collaboration has been undertaken entirely online during the #COVID19 #lockdown It's been a powerful and challenging experience for many different reasons. We've laughed and cried, written and woven... (2/?) Image
For both of us this is the first time that we've had an opportunity to #stop #breathe #pause and reflect on the ways in which our own and societal expectations of gendered and racialized roles and responsibilities have shaped our lives #morethanalabel #beyondcategories (3/?) Image
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Forced evictions & demolitions during #Covid_19 in Pakistan.
As “Eviction” contradicts the “stay at home” policy, the United Nations has called on member states & governments at all levels to stop all migrations & evictions at this time of pendamic covid-19.
The recent effects of the #COVIDー19 are causing a lot of problems around the world, especially for people who have suffered significant loss of #income. In such a difficult and critical time, ‘#home’ has become a ‘#defense’ against the #coronavirusPandemic.
States around the world are ordering people to stay “at home” to prevent the spread of Covid-19. But at the same time, many states are at risk of being evicted, while at least 150 million people worldwide are homeless and living on temporary shelters or sidewalks.
Read 22 tweets
📌 #Para💰 Kaybetmemize Sebep Olan En Büyük Hatalar
Bu flood ile bu zamana kadar #forex olsun #borsa olsun piyasalarda insanların niçin para kaybettiklerini kendi tecrübe ve gözlemlerime göre sizlere özetlemeye çalışacağım.
Lütfen dikkatlice okuyup beğeni ve RT yapmayı unutmayın
1️⃣ Piyasalarda işlem yapıp zarar edenlerin yaptıkları ilk hata piyasa bilgisine ve yeterli eğitime sahip olmadan bu piyasalarda işlem yapmasıdır. #Trading belki de bu dünyanın en zor işidir. Çünkü sadece eğitim yetmez aynı zamanda çelik gibi bir iradeye sahip olmaniz gerekir. Image
2️⃣ Plansız işleme girmek! Hayatımızda birçok şeyi en ince ayrıntısına kadar planlarken maalesef işleme nereden gireceğiz ne zaman çıkacağız gibi basit soruların cevabı olmadan işlem açıp kapatıyoruz. İşlem giriş seviyesi, stoploss noktası ve hedef önceden belirlenmelidir. Image
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Today Many Celebrities wished their Father a Happy Fathers' Day and they were severely 'abused' by Fans with lessons on Nepotism. This is so wrong!

@sonamakapoor @SonuSood @karanjohar @aliaa08 @AnilKapoor @AnupamPKher

#FathersDay #nepotism #wrongthinking #celebrities #stop
Nepotism may be prevalent in every Industry but presumptively, it might work less in Bollywood because even if you may secure a film, do you think that the audiences are fools?
#FathersDay #nepotism #wrongthinking #celebrities
You have watched her movies because you thought Alia Bhatt is cute. You have watched her next movie because you thought Sonakshi did a good acting in her previous movie.
#FathersDay #nepotism #wrongthinking #celebrities #stop #movies
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Canadians better #protest if Gov's give more #welfare to #frackingLNG! Arghh!
With few options to access capital, LNG proponents are asking the fed & prov gov's to help as part of an economic #stimulus pkg to re-start country’s economy following #COVID19…
So sick of this bullshit. Its abusive.…
Feds announce $275M for 'largest private sector investment in Canadian history' — Kitimat, B.C.'s LNG project…
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Oggi LadyLaga...
Il banco chiude...sondaggio e scommesse finite...
che amarezza!!😂😂👽
tra 15 minuti il responso finale! Image
bucata la sogli di 1.40
boscaioli ne abbiamo?👽😂 Image
Read 746 tweets
Paese congelato da ieri
delta rispetto al Picco di Congestione del Traffico mattutino superiore al 50% sia a Milano che a Roma
Worst Case ad oggi
-32mld di PIL2020
Deficit/PIL =
-2.82% con +10mld deficit [+7mldUsc vs -3mldEnt]
-3,78% con Entrate ridotte di 12mld vs 2019
AD OGGI ImageImageImageImage
Ad oggi il maggior indebitamento in qualunque ipotesi con una contrazione così importante del PIL, porterebbe il rapporto debito/PIL italiano vicino al 140%...facendo scattare tutti gli alert di ristrutturazione del debito pubblico...sia Ex-Ante [#MES2] che EX-Post [MES attuale] Image
ma 30mld è solo quello che abbiamo perso fino a questo momento, allarghiamo l'orizzonte almeno fino al 03 aprile ipotesi a spanne su tutto il paese...
più tutto il tempo per tornare a regime Image
Read 801 tweets

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