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Aug 29th 2020
W Maharashtra
#covid19 has reached hinterland in tier 2 /3 cities & beyond becoming uncontrollable as all beds in different designated centers are occupied full with covid19 person
Admitted either due to breathlessness requiring oxygen or comorbidities abound requiring vigilance
Pandemic Decipher
covid19 is an attack on our distorted might In our #Variedresponse most will overcome, some would suffer protracted misery & sadly unlucky few, FEW won't survive

We must empathize, urgently mitigate & strive best to protect humanity as we face this menace
Pertinently this virus is a #Stresstest to physiological, psychological & immunological competency, challenging each individual until present time
Testing our multisystemic resilience, developmental journey, comorbidities, immune memory & subjecting us to scrutiny of viability
Read 26 tweets
Aug 15th 2019
The media needs to be cautious when using the term “culture wars.” This is a politically loaded concept that frames issues in very particular ways./1
The term became popular in the 1980s-1990s when the Right used this as a rallying cry. Here is Pat Buchanan at the 1992 Republican convention. @kevinkusatsu and I covered this history in #FaultLines./2…
@kevinkusatsu But these issues can be discussed in very different ways.
Civil rights are about racial justice.
Abortion is about reproductive rights.
Same sex couple rights are about equality./3
Read 8 tweets
Jul 2nd 2019
By @Underground_RT
“Journalism is not a crime”

So why is @Wikileaks’ Julian Assange jailed in a maximum security prison, in which people such as Abu Qatada have been imprisoned in? 🙃
Read 93 tweets
May 21st 2019
House Democrats are having a difficult debate about impeachment./1…
There is one argument against voting on impeachment proceedings that doesn’t make sense. That is--because the nation has not experienced its equivalent of the 1973 Watergate Committee, we need more of an "educational process" before Congress can act./2…
But that argument is misleading. For over two years, there has been extensive reporting on the conduct of the president--before, during, and after the Mueller investigation. As @brianstelter argued, most of it was spot on./3…
Read 13 tweets
May 19th 2019
Ever since the Mueller report came out, more political leaders have said that @realDonaldTrump committed impeachable offenses. The administration’s response to the report has made things worse./1
Top Democrats like @TeamPelosi and @RepJerryNadler have publicly spoken about the president's impeachable behavior./2…
Prominent Republican pundits like @gtconway3d have said this as well./3…
Read 17 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
Democrats are struggling to find good candidates for the 2020 Senate races. @staceyabrams announcement that she will not run in Georgia constitutes another major blow to the party's effort to retake control of the upper chamber./1…
The Senate has been a bastion of Republican power. When @BarackObama was in office, @senatemajldr stifled the administration’s efforts on almost every front. @KevinMKruse and I cover this in #FaultLines. Everyone remembers this clip./2
The Senate has been crucial to most of @realDonaldTrump's biggest political victories, such as pushing through federal court appointments that have energized the Right. Senate Republicans have also been a powerful check against efforts to conduct oversight and investigations./3
Read 9 tweets
Apr 17th 2019
2019 is the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Seder, a symbol of the relationship between progressive politics and religion. In an age dominated by the Religious Right, observers often forget how spirituality, tradition and ritual have pushed Americans in a leftward direction./1
With two days to go before the seders, here is a Passover thread. /2
As American Jews gather to celebrate Passover this weekend—commemorating the story of Exodus—they will be reminded of the social justice values that inform the religion. /3
Read 29 tweets
Apr 8th 2019
Speaking in Berlin, @BarackObama shared his concerns about progressive Democrats imposing rigid ideological tests and creating a “circular firing squad.”/1…
Obama has a point. There is always a risk with heated primaries and caucuses. Many historians believe that Senator Kennedy’s primary challenge hurt President Carter in 1980. And other analysts believe that the Sanders-Clinton battles undercut her support./2
But it is also worth remembering that 2008 showed how robust internal debates could make a party stronger. /3
Read 17 tweets
Mar 30th 2019… @GovChristie warned @GovLarryHogan, someone who is a friend and who he admires, that a primary challenge against @realDonaldTrump is not practical. Here are some thoughts on what this all means for the GOP. /1
“I don’t believe that Trumpism, if you want to call it that,” Christie said, “will last beyond Donald Trump.” /2
Right now, most Republicans seem to agree with Christie about the futility of a primary challenge. Other than @GovBillWeld, Republicans are sitting still. /3
Read 14 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
This week is starting to remind me of the 2000 presidential election. This is what I was thinking. /1
Republicans declare victory before the results are actually in. /2
Republicans count on the national media to quickly repeat their conclusion. Pack journalism gets to work. /3
Read 10 tweets
Mar 11th 2019
None of the Democrats currently running for president are “anti-capitalist.” Even being a Social Democrat circa 2019 does not mean opposing capitalism. Senator Sanders, for instance, has not called for the nationalization of any industry. A few thoughts on this.
The entire debate over this issue has no connection to the platforms, policies, or speeches being delivered by the candidates thus far. Instead, the narrative feeds directly into the Republican campaign message: Democrats are radical extremists.
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a moderate and a former businessman, stumbled when asked about his views.…
Read 18 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
For all the pundits (including myself) who are reminding readers that the Watergate hearings and investigation changed public opinion about President Nixon in 1973/1974, there is an important caveat.
Presidential impeachment meant something very different to Americans living in 1974 than it does in 2019.
In other words, when Congress considered impeaching President Nixon, the last impeachment proceeding had been President Andrew Johnson (1868).…
Read 12 tweets
Feb 15th 2019
A president invoking emergency powers for a manufactured crisis. Reminds me of another president who used his authority this way.
Oh yes, that would be President Richard Nixon. Let’s take a look back at the history.
The misuse of presidential power was at the heart of Nixon’s downfall.
Read 22 tweets

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