“Journalism is not a crime”
So why is @Wikileaks’ Julian Assange jailed in a maximum security prison, in which people such as Abu Qatada have been imprisoned in? 🙃
⚡️NOW: Julian Assange & Independent Journalism w/ @21WIRE | Guest: Patrick Henningsen - Journalist & Founder of: 21stCenturyWire.com | #FaultLines⚡️ pscp.tv/w/b-yHzTFXTEVS…
Support a free press?
Release Julian Assange you press freedom oppressing hypocrites. How dare you speak about press freedom while a journalist who reported US war crimes is your political prisoner. #DefendMediaFreedom
German draft legislation would enable intelligence agencies to spy on journalists #FreedomOfSpeech #FreeASSANGE #JulianAssange 🐱🖤
"They are destroying him. They are destroying his mental health. His physical health. The price is so high, a journalist should not pay such a price for exposing war crimes and torture." - @SMaurizi #FreeASSANGE rt.com/uk/463303-assa…
Julian Assange. In his own words:
"Saudi and Quatar support ISIS and the Clinton Foundation"

Just your daily reminder that Julian Assange faces up to 175 years in jail merely for exposing US war crimes in #Iraq to the world.
Meanwhile, those who invaded Iraq on a pack of lies, killing a million people, are still out there planning new wars against 🇮🇷&🇻🇪.

🗣️‼️We have to defend the journalist Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald ‼️
@FreedomofPress @uspresstracker @Unity4J @wikileaks
UN torture rapporteur @NilsMelzer on the threatened extradition of Julian Assange:
“once telling the truth has become a crime, while the powerful enjoy impunity, then your own rights may well be next in line."
JULIAN ASSANGE Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.
Thank you @DasErste & @ARDde for your TV-report & interview (in German) on my conclusions regarding the #Torture of #Assange. Video link:
"Whatever they decide to do, the significance that a request for an EIO is not currently “on the cards” should not be lost – because #JulianAssange has already lost nine years of his life from this legal hustle." #FreeAssange #Wikileaks #Sweden
Many thanks @AngelFox71 for this powerful & personal testimony about the cruelty of bullying & mobbing!
"For once telling the truth has become a crime, while the powerful enjoy impunity, then your own rights may well be next in line."
In light of recent Events involving Jeffrey #Epstein, here is an article about how 2019 Nobel PEACE Prize Nominee #JulianAssange HELPED police catch Pedophilia rings: theage.com.au/national/victo… … #FreeAssange
There is something dodgy about #DefendMediaFreedom Global Conference when the most persecuted journalist in the world is in a UK prison.
Why no support for #NoUSExtradition ?
It's time for @Jeremy_Hunt to listen to @UN's Special Rapporteur on Torture @NilsMelzer

#DefendMediaFreedom Mr. @DefendAssange @wikileaks @Firefly1776 @foxfire2112 @Hrafnsson @AssangeLegal @AnonScan Mr. Assange is been POISONED ? #FreeASSANGE Breaking:Jullian Assange poisoned while in Belmarch Prison,UK🐱🌍
This is the kind of torture Julian #Assange endured over the years: "Spanish security company spied on Julian Assange’s meetings with lawyers" elpais.com/elpais/2019/07… … via @elpaisinenglish #Wikileaks
Beyond belief!
Needs appropriate caption to fit the breathtaking hypocrisy.
Im too stunned to comment.
Are you?
Watch first minute!
The replies from citizens are priceless!
The Empire has no clothes!
‘What about Assange?’: UK Foreign Office video calling for press freedom shamed for hypocrisy rt.com/uk/463307-fore…
BINGO! the government fears TRUTH! and they fight it at all costs!
This is the distance between the UK’s ‘defend media freedom’ event and Belmarsh prison. Julian Assange can probably smell the hypocrisy from his cell.

Britain holding a conference on media freedom as it imprisons @Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in a supermax prison, all while the UN Rapporteur @NilsMelzer says Julian’s treatment amounts to torture.
Amal Clooney (29:32-31:11): «Journalists who expose abuses face arrest, while those who commit the abuses do so with impunity...The indictment against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has alarmed journalists at newspapers around the world». pscp.tv/w/b_Z2IDFKUktt…
"The C.I.A. is quietly pushing Congress to significantly expand the scope of a law that makes it a crime to disclose the identities of undercover intelligence agents, raising alarms among advocates of press freedoms."
"The C.I.A. is quietly pushing Congress to significantly expand the scope of a law that makes it a crime to disclose the identities of undercover intelligence agents, raising alarms among advocates of press freedoms."
#WikiLeaks wins $10M settlement - The Reykjavik Grapevine grapevine.is/news/2019/07/0…
🗣️📢Then they came for #journalists!
🗣️📢later ...
🗣️📢...I do not know ...
🗣️📢...there were no #journalists!
The Guardian has yet to apologise for two major fabrications: that Julian #Assange conspired with Moscow to escape Britain; and that he met Trump crony Paul Manafort plus Russians. The paper's descent quickens with this censorship: thegrayzone.com/2019/07/10/the…
Why aren't @guardian writers protesting about this nonsense and demanding EIC @KathViner resign? Is it worth $50 and article to sell your soul? Credibility damage affects all of them.

Why @jack ? - "Top Assange Defense Account Deleted By Twitter" medium.com/@caityjohnston… …
Strong support for #JulianAssange at Sri Lanka’s Jaffna University
#SaveJulian #NoExtradition2US
Swedish Prosecutors: ‘It’s Not on the Cards’ to Interview Assange – After Hanging Arrest Warrant Over Him for Seven Years 21stcenturywire.com/2019/07/06/swe… … via @21WIRE

🗣️What's the matter w/ you?
🗣️@Unity4J only publishes articles on Julian Assange's defense and upcoming events about #JulianAssange defense!
🗣️Stop Suspension, Now!

.@rogerwaters brands Twitter ‘thought police’ for suspending #Assange support account
MORE: on.rt.com/9y36
#CNN released a new report that alleged @WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange masterminded the 2016 #HillaryClinton leaks.
@MuradGazdiev reports as press freedom in the UK becomes a sensitive issue after last week’s ‘Defend Media Freedom’ summit.
"Lenin Moreno is a LIAR..if #Assange is extradited to the🇺🇸,he's already CONDEMNED,he will NOT have a fair trial!"🚨
-Former President of🇪🇨@MashiRafael blasts his successor @Lenin for allowing Assange's arrest
'What’s the difference between what the Mail on Sunday did and what #Wikileaks and Julian #Assange did?'
@georgegalloway outlines the hypocrisy that is being played out in the debate surrounding ‘press freedom’ in the #UK.
Both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt now speaking up to defend the right to publish leaked material. Time to call off the attack on #WikiLeaks then, chaps. Stop the extradition of Julian #Assange, give him his freedom. #WorldIsWatching theguardian.com/politics/2019/…
#CNN released a new report that alleged @wikileaks founder #JulianAssange masterminded the 2016 #HillaryClinton leaks.
To attack WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, CNN twists embassy surveillance records that were first covered by Spanish newspaper EL PAÍS shadowproof.com/2019/07/15/cnn…
Spying on Julian Assange: UC Global, CNN and Russian Couriers southfront.org/spying-on-juli…
The UK hosted a summit on press freedom last week, at the same time UK government lawyers were in court fighting for the right to continue spying on the press thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2019-0…
The House is voting today on a radical secrecy bill today that threatens press freedom rights and will make it easier for the Trump admin to prosecute reporters. Tell @RepAdamSchiff and other members to vote no! freedom.press/news/tell-rep-…
Why are some Democrats helping the Trump admin and the CIA radically expand a secrecy law that threatens press freedom?gen.medium.com/why-are-democr…
#CNN #Russiagate #JulianAssage "The UK owned and operated #BBC resembles Fox News with a British accent, state-supported propaganda its specialty". Read more.... 21stcenturywire.com/2019/07/16/cnn…
Lawsuit: a lawyer's sister "met with Mr. Assange for approximately 6 hours in the Ecuadorean embassy. Ms. Rattner said Mr. Assange told her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks." thegatewaypundit.com/2019/07/breaki…
🇪🇨's former President Rafael Correa questioned the intentions of a recent #CNN publication which accuses #JulianAssange of having participated in the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
Revealed: The #British🇬🇧Government’s War on Assange and Media Freedom | @21WIRE
21stcenturywire.com/2019/04/30/rev… …

#NoUSExtradition #DefendMediaFreedom
Twitter removes account of Assange defence organisation -- See link to article here: tinyurl.com/yyrah8dd

Former🇪🇨foreign minister @RicardoPatinoEC: "Every day we are + certain that we did the right thing granting Assange political asylum"
An interview about why Assange was granted asylum & the political pressures that lead Moreno to revoke it:
Western Elites Spruik Media Freedom While Torturing Julian Assange In Belmarsh Supermax. But What’s Stanley Milgram Got To Do With It? - New Matilda newmatilda.com/2019/07/15/wes…
@MuradGazdiev reports as press freedom in the UK becomes a sensitive issue after last week’s ‘Defend Media Freedom’ summit.
"#CNN is doing its job like when it invented that there were mass weapons of destruction for people to applaud a war, an invasion of #Iraq, which cost more than 100,000 civilians lives."
By UN UN Special Procedures ,say the #Wikileaks founder has already paid dearly 4 exercising his rights 2 freedom of opinion, expression & information.#PapaFrancisco SIMPLE
#FreeASSANGE #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳#Empire = #TORTURE

The Lie Factory— @CNN —Is Collapsing. Here we have 2 +reasons America is exceptional. The news consists of lies, & the function of the🇺🇸Dep of Justice (sic) is 2 arrange show trials & frame innocent people. By Paul C.Roberts #FreeASSANGE

#couragefound #FreeASSANGE
The Lie Factory—CNN—Is Collapsing.Thank God. by Paul C.Roberts
We do NOT forgive neither FORGET & TOGETHER WE STAND....#Anonymus
🐱🖤 #EnoughIsEnough #StandUpFightBack #BringAssangeHome 🇦🇺✊⏳

Former #Ecuador's President @MashiRafael holds the #CNN story aims at justifying the conviction of the @WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange.