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May 13th 2023
I wonder how some people came up with the idea, “Turkey’s elections are not fair but nonetheless they are free.

Turkey’s elections are neither free nor fair by any standard. Just to refresh our memories:…
Erdogan jailed his rival Demirtaş through bogus charges and pressuring the heavily subdued, in no way autonomous judiciary in 2018. Demirtaş had to run for president from a jail cell. #democracy #FreeElections
Turkey’s third largest party HDP is under the threat of an obviously politically motivated closure case, again by a subdued Supreme Court under Erdogan’s pressure. Turkey’s 3rd largest party couldn’t run under its own banner and had to campaign under Greens and the Left Party.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
Meanwhile the beautiful sight of people power in #Russia today. Nearly 50,000 pro-democracy protesters demanding fair elections w/opposition candidates. Huge moment in Russian history. It’s not just about local elections. It’s to free Russia of Putin’s corrupt mafia hold on power
#Russia >> ‘A Number Authorities Can’t Ignore’: Moscow Opposition Sees Record Protest Turnout—50,000—Despite bad weather, jailed leaders, massive propaganda, brutal beatings & crackdowns.… #RussiaProtests #FreeElections #DefendDemocracy #допускай
Dem @LeaderHoyer statement in solidarity w/ #Russia's pro-#democracy #protests for free, fair elections & the right to seek electoral choice. Says Putin regime’s crackdown on free speech and opposition candidates ought to "alarm the world," warns US Congress is watching closely.
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