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Apr 12th 2023
The World’s Finance Chiefs are in DC for the #springmeetings2023 of the #IMF and #WorldBank.

So what happened so far? 🧵

#FundTheFuture Image

The IMF’s latest forecasts showed that growth will slightly decline to 2.8% this year (0.1 percentage points below January projections) before rising to 3% in 2024.

Global inflation will fall from 8.7% in 2022 to 7% in 2023 and 4.9% in 2024…

The @G24 which coordinates the position of developing countries called for rich countries to deliver the $100bn in SDRs that they promised in 2021 and channel them through multilateral development banks.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Dr. Wong's recent MS is 1 of 31 papers authored+co-authored by our T32 post-doctoral fellows since 2016. Grateful to @nih_nhlbi for funding our Training Program (T32 HL129949), given a pressing need for physician-scientists and scientists in pediatric pulmonary medicine. 1/3
Thankful for our T32 fellows -Drs. Tim Perkins, Anjani Ravindra, @catarmbruster, Rob Abood, @EricaLStevensMD, Soyeon Kim, @jeremy_landeo, Bo Zhai, Kristina Gaietto, + Matt Wong, our outstanding mentors and faculty, and our Exec. Committee-Drs. @EForno+ John Alcorn+ @morrisa1668
And very appreciative to our External Advisory Board - Drs. Tom Ferkol + Ed Silverman + Ben Gaston, @PittPediatrics + @ChildrensPgh. @NHLBI_LUNGDir
#BestGeneration #FundTheFuture #HealthEquity #Innovation #Discovery #Asthma #CF #ALI
Read 4 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
Hello to all our new followers.

All of you are rightly angry at the abandonment we’ve just been met with and want to know what you can do about it.

[A thread]
UKRI and our unis can do this to us because PGRs, inc those self-funded, have no rights. This position is made completely worse by the fact that we are largely isolated from more seniors colleagues in our departments, but most importantly we are isolated from each other.
This stops us collectively organising both within and across our universities and we have few avenues for getting our issues taken seriously. We need to start by talking to each other, hearing what is happening to all of us, and be strategic about how we act.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
Heriot-Watt UCU just got another record breaking ballot turnout.
Want to know how we GTVO?

#gtvo #fundTheFuture #ballot #unions
A good GTVO is made up of
Perspiration, 😅
Inspiration, 💪🔥
Administration! 📑✔️

Not that kind of admin....
Get your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆🦆
Sort out your membership list.
Ballots need to go to home addresses

Fire up your members 🔥🔥🔥
Inform them of the issues
Keep them up to date with negotiations
Prepare them to VOTE
Read 9 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
The pandemic has brought the inherent failings of the marketised post-16 education system into sharp focus, writes UCU general secretary @DrJoGrady…
At a time when universities should have been pulling together, they were forced to compete against each other in a scramble to attract students. 2/3 #TUC2020 #FundTheFuture
It is time for ministers, universities and colleges to provide the clear guidance and support that will secure institutions’ futures and keep staff and students safe, so they can lead our recovery. 3/3 #TUC2020 #FundtheFuture
Read 3 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Relieved about #ALevelResults U-turn but make no mistake: the grading scandal has *already hurt* many students who have already had an impossible year.

Students facing the biggest barriers to higher education *and* to other destinations dependent on grades were hit hardest

The algorithm used to 'adjust' grades was baked in bias + prejudice. It *must* be made public

We need to know how it was created. We must ensure nothing like it is used again

It is indicative of problems devouring the heart of our education sector⬇️

No one should underestimate the harm the #AlevelResults scandal has already caused and which will persist even after this (overdue) U-turn.

Consider the impact of this on students' mental health and on their confidence as they prepare for their next steps, uni or otherwise
Read 10 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
UCU’s @mattwucu will be on You and Yours on
@BBCRadio4 from 12.20pm discussing the importance of universities to local economies. Listen live here:…
He points to research that shows a third of workers in university towns say their job depends on the local university.…
He mentions another study, which shows universities create 100,000s of jobs across the country, in big cities like London, smaller cities like Lincoln, and towns like St Andrews.…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
.@UCU, @UCUAnti_Cas seminar on protecting staff on casualised contracts live now. Hosted by Jane Thompson. This is very much our kind of event!…
Starting with @ChristinaUCU introducing @zenscara, who says that the experience of being on a casualised contract never leaves you. #COVID19 has shown how vital it is to fight for secure work. Everyone can support precarious members via 10 steps campaign [tweeted yesterday]
.@zenscara: employers could have made more use of furlough for casualised staff, showing 2nd class status. Need more communication between branches and between branches and union centre, as part of #FundTheFuture campaign
Read 30 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Head of @UCUequality, @jsherrarduk, will be speaking to @IainDale on @LBC from 7.35pm this evening about the support universities need from government in the wake of Covid-19.

Listen live here 👇

@jsherrarduk says it is incredibly worrying that the government is trying to prescribe which subjects students are able to study.
She says we need to see a comprehensive plan from government to support the sector.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
UCU accuses ministers of using looming financial crisis to try and impose severe restrictions on universities… #FundTheFuture
Government guidance from the government says not all universities will be "prevented from exiting the market" and any public funding "would come with restrictions to be determined on a case-by-case basis".…
Stressing once again that this was not the support universities really need, the guidance warns that "financial support in the form of repayable loans will only be provided if there is a case to do so, and this is not a guarantee that no organisation will go into insolvency".
Read 8 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
UCU has released fresh polling this morning looking at voters’ views on universities and their importance to local jobs and economies. YouGov polled voters in the 30 most marginal “university seats”. 1/… #FundTheFuture
Demonstrating the local social and economic footprint of universities, a third of those in work (33%) said the local university was important to their own job. 2/ Image
Over three-quarters of those polled said their local university was important in creating local jobs (76%) and important to the local economy (79%). 3/
Read 14 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
UCU's @DrJoGrady tells @BBCMarkMardell that research commissioned by UCU warned of a £2.5bn funding black hole and the loss of 30,000 jobs in universities and 32,000 in the wider economy 1/… #FundTheFuture #TheWorldThisWeekend
She says that the government's refusal to take these warnings seriously is creating further confusion, worry and problems for universities and for students. 2/
She highlights a recent poll that showed 23% of prospective students fear their institution could go bust as a result of #Covid-19… 3/
Read 5 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
UCU general secretary @DrJoGrady will be on @BBCRadio4 shortly (from 1pm) as a guest on #TheWorldThisWeekend. You can listen live here… @BBCWorldatOne
Looking back over another busy week for education, they are likely to discuss the @TheIFS report on the financial hit universities face...…
And also pick apart a controversial speech by education secretary @GavinWilliamson from Thursday that talked about fundung further education by reducing higher education.… #FundTheFuture
Read 3 tweets

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