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Apr 6th 2020
A thread on #IbnArabi in #SouthAsia people consider the main conduit to be the #Chishti Sufis and their ethical principle of #sulh_e_kull which is assumed to be an expression of #wahdatalwujud 1/
first link is the famous poet Fakhr al-Din Iraqi (d. 1289 in Damascus), a disciple and son in law of #BahauddinZakariyya in #Multan later moved to study with Qunawi and was present at Rumi’s funeral in Konya - later commentators on the #Lamaat linked his verses with #IbnArabi 2/ Image
Persian verse was a major conduit for the dissemination of the metaphysics and hermeneutics of #IbnArabi and for the later tradition two key works were prominent 3/
Read 17 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
Picked this up last year in Casablanca - Gadamerian reading of the divine form or image in #IbnArabi by محمد امعارش published @MominounWB and the notion of the barzakh/in-between 1/ Image
The divine image alongside divine discourse is the grounds for a hermeneutical understanding of the nexus of transcendence and immanence as the disclosures of the divine in the cosmos 2/
The ultimate expression of the divine image is of course the human - not least the ultimate barzakh of the #InsanKamil or #PerfectHuman - who is in-between divinity and creaturely nature 3/
Read 13 tweets

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