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Aug 2nd 2020
There's a big difference between HAVING data at this level of #granularity, and PUBLISHING it.

Providing #age, #sex and street #address is not "#anonymised"; more like mildly #deidentified - and almost certainly still #PersonalData.

What the UK's "getting wrong" is a failure... adequately #test - and further, a failure to get (positive) test results to where they are NEEDED.

Would you prefer your #COVID19 #diagnosis to be #published, or to get to you, your #GPrecord and to the #PublicHealth teams who are the ones having to manage things locally?
Data is not magic, and to be useful it must be done right.

Greater #transparency of the #systems, their #performance, and the people who are #using our data (and for what) would inspire greater #trust than putting 300,000+ people's on the web.

Assuming things were working, ofc.
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