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Nov 26th 2020
THREAD: Do you know how did Urdu media peddle conspiracy theories on #MumbaiAttacks?

Prof Rakesh Sinha and his team did an analysis. I’m sharing their takeaways here.

@roznamasahara called it as Mossad and CIA conspiracy like 9/11. #MumbaiTerrorAttack (1/n)
Nisheman and Rahmaan-e-Mulk gave a new conspiracy theory.

These #MumbaiTerrorAttacks, according to them, were done by Hindu fundamentalists and Mossad. (2/n)
According to Inquilab Urdu Times, "Hindu Terrorists" joined hands with Pakistan Terrorists to neutralise #Karkare.

Imagine the level of hatred. (3/n)
Read 10 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Soon after the #USRIOTS, #Islamists in #India have given a call for similar riots in India. They are trending #MuslimLivesMatter. Shame they didn’t say that #LivesMatter, & not the religion.
In this thread, I would like to prove that #Islamophobia_In_India is a MYTH.
India was partitioned on the grounds of religion twice. First in 1905 and second in 1947. But the 1947 Partition is significant to the current scenario. All of us know the demographical condition of India at that time. It was a #Hindu majority and it still is.
Despite this fact, #India has always been a secular country. The basics behind this #Secularism is in the ethics of #Hinduism. NO religious text in #Hinduism promotes hatred on religious backgrounds.
Read 15 tweets

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