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Oct 10th 2021
1. I get why @TheDemocrats don't want to engage in a propaganda war, but by leaving the field to the #GQP, the disinformation will only get worse. Responding, to counter GQP falsehoods with truth is one tool that is being employed, but more subtle weapons can be employed that can
2. have a real impact on the propagandists.

Why is the #KochNetwork #propaganda machine attacking #Covid19 #vaccines when they're a product of TFG's one major achievement? Remember "#WarpSpeed?" TFG should be getting credit for vaccines, but the GQP #KochNetwort made vaccines
3. the boogieman. #TFG needs #KochNetwork cash, so he won't say anything, especially after being booed for suggesting people get vaccinated.

It's been apparent to me for many years that #Koch and #Putin are working together in many areas with the shared goal of retaining power.
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