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Aug 9th 2021
I have to point this out:
There are over 200 variants of the common cold, many of which are coronaviruses and rhinoviruses.
When scientists suddenly declared they had a vaccine for COVID19 in just a few months, I had questions...
COVID19, in its basic essence, is a cold. A very bad, mutant one, but basically a cold. If scientists cured COVID, then it made sense to think they had a cure for many types of the common cold, as well. At least the ones that were caused by coronaviruses.
Just like the ever-elusive "common cold", we are dealing with a mutating virus which scientists only created a vaccine for one variant.
They missed, and it's becoming obvious.
If that's the case, then what do we do?
Read 11 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
My favourite UK auditor at the moment is Live Free. You should definitely go watch him. He's a legend!!

Awesome UK Audit Compilation Video / Looking for the Prince
The Police and Prison Auditors are doing a great service for the public good. They'll teach you how to deal with encounters with alpha and authoritarian police and help you understand your rights.

Police Officers Illegally Detain Me? #LiveFree #Pinac
For all your PINAC (Photography Is Not A Crime) updates in the UK you should take a look at subscribing to the old timer PINACI NEWS. He takes zero bull shit and knows his stuff!

PINACI news vs Police - Try section 5 for standing on the pavement #PINAC
Read 11 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
I agree with wearing a mask in public.
I think the majority of the #turn you away. Just I agree with wearing a #mask in public.
I think the majority of the #resistance comes from the #Government mandating it. The
government shouldn’t require it. #Capitalism is giving people the #freedom to make a choice. I agree with businesses that require masks and if you choose not to they have the right to turn you away. Just like the patron has a #choice to abide by the request or not enter...
...the business. #freedomofchoice
Also, I think it would help if people knew the threshold that needs to be reached for the mask recommendations be lifted...
Read 11 tweets
Mar 24th 2020
But for every other country on earth, the #UnitedStates is the absolute worst country on earth.
We cherish #liberty but not enough to hang politicians for their every #encroachment on it.

(Remember, according to #ThomasJefferson (and all the natural rights philosophers who preceded him), the purpose of the government is to #securetheseliberties among men.)
Read 12 tweets

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