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Sep 8th 2022
➡️ Ancient temples of #AnanthaPadmanabha

There is an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Sri Anantha Padmanabha at Sri Kshethra #KUDUPU near Mangalore which is said to be in existence since Krita Yuga. ++
#ANANTHASAYANAM at #Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) in Kerala;
Dedicated to Lord #Anantha at #Ananthagiri about 75 km from Hyderabad city. Here the Lord is said to have manifested as a #Salagrama Shila who appears in #Trimurthi Swaroopa of #AnanthaNarasimhaSrinivasa. It is said that Sage #Markandeya had performed penance at this place.
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Jul 27th 2021
Markandeya was a child for whom a choice was made before he was born. His parents had to choose between having a son who would live for a hundred years but would be a fool, or a son who would be a brilliant, shining being but live only for sixteen years. Image
The parents were wise and they chose the latter, and they bore a brilliant, shining child of enormous capabilities. But as days passed and years rolled by, they were worried for their child and became very tortured as the date of his death came close.
They explained to Markandeya about the boon they had received and the choice they had made. But Markandeya was phenomenally wise and knowledgeable, and he knew the ways of life.

So, when the moment of his death came – when the god of death, Yama, came to claim his life –
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Jul 23rd 2020
1. #Marundeeswarar Temple, #Chennai
Marundu means #medicine ; Eswar is Bhagwan Shiv
Utchavar: Thyagarajar
Consort: TiripuraSundari
Sthal Vriksh: SHAMI TREE/VANNI Tree (#Prosopis #Spicigera)
Sthal Theerth: Pancha Theertha
Agamam: Kameekam
approx: 1500 years old
2. #Temple is dedicated to God Shiva, located in #Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai. It is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams where the two of the most revered Nayanars (Saivite Sages), Appar & Tirugnana Sambandar have glorified the Temple with their verses during the 7th-8th century.
3. Temple has been widely expanded by Chola kings during the 11th century. The Temple has two seven tiered Gopuram, a huge pond. The Marundeeswarar Temple has been a place of curative #worship for people with #diseases. The Temple is believed to have partial feature of #Pallava
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