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Jun 26th 2022
#mmsm Hematologica published 3 articles for sub-group analysis for Isatuximab recently:
1-IKEMA pts with renal failure-Full article
2- ICARIA-MM elderly pt-letter to editor
3-IKEMA+ICARIA-MM: 1q-letter to editor
🛑All used 1-2 medical writers
Was this all the story ? 🧵
Same medical writers helped in a review of key subgroup analysis of ICARIA-MM 👇

Also in doing another subgroup analysis in high risk cytogenetics
You think we are done: NO

ICARIA-MM subgroup analysis 👇

Expert review article with the help of medical writer 👇
Read 12 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
*THREAD* 1/17 People with #bonemets should be supported & encouraged to engage in regular physical activity to manage side effects from cancer & treatments. Recommendations to guide practice in @JCOOP_ASCO…
2/17 Method: International Bone Metastases Exercise Working Group: Multidisciplinary, international panel of physicians, PTs, exercise physiologists & researchers, formed to develop best practice recommendations based on published research, clinical experience & expert opinion.
3/17 Healthcare provider survey found practitioners were uncertain of correct risk management approach. 75% of physicians & NPs agreed patients look to them for guidance, but 86% not comfortable making recommendation #oncology #clinonc #medonc #exonc…
Read 17 tweets
Oct 31st 2021
#tweetorial 🧵
🚩AL & MM - Transcriptional patterns link common causal root with differing behaviours
➡️Light-chain amyloidosis (AL) and multiple myeloma (MM), are plasma cell (PC) malignancies with strikingly different clinical presentations 🥼🩺
➡️Success in🎯identifying these mechanisms has thus far been limited 👎
➡️Alameda et al define a “transcriptional atlas” of normal PCs, AL amyloidosis, MM, and MGUS, identifying 13 different transcriptional patterns linking distinct PC dyscrasias to subsets of normal developing PCs, with diagnostic 🔬and prognostic implications
Read 19 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
Time to weigh in with a thread on the #ADAURA trial presented at #ASCO20. I have been thinking about it carefully and listening to the chatter on #Twitter and other sites. Have also watched w/ interest the back and forth b/t @jackWestMD and @n8pennell #lcsm
(By the way, @JackWestMD and @n8pennell make @drewMoghanaki and me look like amateurs…) #lcsm
This will be insufferably long (@lcsmchat long!), so I apologize in advance. #lcsm
Read 30 tweets
Apr 26th 2020
Encouraging to see this early UK data on the use of chemotherapy in cancer patients during #COVID19 pandemic. There are a number caveats though. Firstly, this is likely to be risk averse data (ie higher risk patients have chemo stopped). We also need dose reduction data #medonc
The reasons for holding back on chemo are numerous. One reason was the fear of hospitals being too full to be able to take in neutropenic sepsis patients and other emergencies. This is now abating and in my region, we can now cautiously treat more patients. #medonc
It’s vitally important for oncologists to have regular local meetings (virtual or social distancing) to update their approaches to using chemo (and other anti-cancer treatments). It’s a fluid situation. #medonc
Read 3 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
THREAD: Should we continue to offer concurrent ChemoRT and Durvalumab in selected stage III NSCLC patients during the #COVID19 outbreak?
I think yes, and this thread explains why #radonc #medonc #lcsm
Chemo added sequentially to RT gives ~5% absolute Overall Survival (OS) benefit to RT alone at 5 years. ChemoRT given concurrently adds a further 4.5% absolute OS benefit at 5 years (Auperin meta-analysis). #lcsm #radonc #medonc #covid19 Image
We now know that addition of Durvalumab after concurrent ChemoRT improves absolute 3 year OS from 43.5% to 57% (PACIFIC trial). The curves are not coming together, with both curves flattening, suggesting 5yr absolute OS benefit will be maintained ie at least 10%
#radonc #medonc
Read 9 tweets

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