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Apr 29th 2022
23 things that will make #Narcissists LOSE. THEIR. MINDS. 🧵 1. Require them to be responsible for their actions. 2. Require them to be accountable 3. Require them to be cooperative rather than competitive 4. Require they respect your boundaries 5.Require transparency #boundaries
And no secrets 6. Deny them instant gratification due to their impulsivity 7. Call them out on their inappropriate behavior 8. Trigger their insecurity 10. Don’t bother explaining yourself or arguing with them. There is no point #dontgointotheirjungle #toxic #rages #triggers
11. They thrive on conflict & winning. Do not engage. 12. Do not expect reasonable well intentioned respectful arguments 13. Telling them they need therapy 14. Don’t allow them to manipulate you. Call them out. 16. Require the relationship to be a 2-way street #narcissisticabuse
Read 5 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
The Toxic #Narcissist Cycle of Abuse: 5 Stages Thread
Stage 1:
Love Bombing & Lying:
Your #abuser lies to you from the start, convincing them-self/selves & YOU that you are liked, included, adored, loved & respected. Your #boundaries are respected & you are overly welcomed
In this phase, you will put on their ‘glasses’, be overmedicated on their empty promises, #future faking, deception & lies 👉🏻 all leading to fake #hopeism. They make you wear their glasses whereby you ‘view’ them as from #heaven & ‘saving you’, being ‘right’ or on the right side
You will #believe what they are selling you as they are now your ‘real family’, your #soulmate your ‘twin flame’,
your ‘neurokin’, your ‘transautlet’ your ‘otherkin’ (insert any propaganda) #family You become the centre of their life/group, organisation initially 🚩You find
Read 25 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
Severe #nuclear reactor accidents likely every 10 to 20 years, European study suggests

👉Catastrophic nuclear accidents such as core #meltdowns in #Chernobyl & #Fukushima are MORE LIKELY to happen than previously assumed..…
Based on operating hours of ALL civil #nuclear reactors & # of #meltdowns that have occurred, scientists have calculated events may occur once every 10 to 20 years (👉based on the CURRENT NUMBER of reactors) -- some 200x 👀 MORE often than estimated in the past😳
Date:May 22, 2012

Western Europe has worlds highest risk of radioactive contamination caused by major reactor accidents:
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