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Jul 5th 2022
Let’s talk about #mouthhygiene and the lies the #dental industry believes in and preaches… 🧵

First lie (picture below)…#fluoride
When you brush your teeth, tongue and gums with #fluoridated #toothpaste, #fluoride is absorbed into the soft tissues of your mouth. You absorb fluoride through your gums into the inner dentin of your teeth, weakening the dentin and making it chalky from the inside out.
To top it all off, whatever fluoride in toothpaste which adheres to our teeth after we “rinse out” is swallowed sooner or later. Dental gels and varnishes also wash off and are swallowed…
All forms of fluoride harm the body and should be avoided.
Read 17 tweets
May 9th 2021
I challenge ur narrative tat alternative medicine works
It doesnt/#neem studies tat u keep quoting, are NOT peer-reviewed, NOT published/has been collecting dust in preprint server since Apr 2020
Tis makes ur argument invalid
But #science is kind, so lets discus
2 This is UR molecular docking study u uploaded to preprint. Y was this never published? Bcoz this is highly flawed from methods to results to conclusions. Molecular docking was blind - hence ligand optimization is not accurate...
...and grid coordinates wer computer generated. Hw did u correct for tis? U cud hav used predicted binding sites 2 improve accuracy/efficiency…
Predicted binding sites 4 #SARSCoV2 is widely published/ use of grid-based docking wud be better...
Read 14 tweets

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