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Sep 20th 2019
Ah, the WashPo! Its headline says GOP “tried” to steal black #VotingRights. No, they succeeded!!!… #NC09 #NorthCarolina #NorthCarolinaSpecialElection #VoterSuppression #ElectionFraud #StopTheSteal
Of course, the #JeffBezos House Organ cannot bring itself to say that these #JimCrow tricks stole #NC09. So, may this one time statistician and sometime journalist say, “they stole the 9th.”… #NorthCarolina
Hey, @WashingtonPost, we've fixed your headline:

The ‘Smoking Gun’ Proving North Carolina Republicans Disenfranchised Black Voters…

You're welcome!
Read 3 tweets
Sep 12th 2019
Democrat #DanMcCready supposedly lost the special election in #NorthCarolina’s 9th Congressional District to Republican #DanBishop by less than 4,000 votes. However, racially biased #VoterSuppression schemes easily account for the GOP "victory" margin.…
Under the violently partisan Elections Board chief Kim Strach, #NorthCarolina targeted 561,693 voters based on the measurably racist and absurdly wrong #Crosscheck list created by the discredited #KrisKobach of Kansas.… #NorthCarolinaSpecialElection
The vote scam, which I exposed for @RollingStone and Al Jazeera, showed that well over 100,000 voters were wrongly purged for supposedly being registered or voting in two states.… #NorthCarolinaSpecialElection
Read 15 tweets

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