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Ζω στη χώρα που οι άντρες τσακώνονται ποιό κόμμα στηρίζει την ελευθερία του τύπου.
Του "ΤΥΠΟΥ" που σύσσωμος έχει αποτύχει να μεταφέρει διεθνείς ειδήσεις όπως την ποινική δίωξη γυναικών που δε δέχονται απατεώνες στη γυναικεία κατηγορία αθλημάτων. 1/
Ο δεξιός τύπος (πρώτοΨέμα) αποκαλεί τους αποστάτες "ακροδεξιούς", κ ο αριστερός, κάνει ένα βροντερό ΜΟΚΟ με πέπλο σχολιασμού για θέματα ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ, τα σεξιστικά λογύδρια της Ακρίτα που δεν έχει αφήσει παιδόφιλο και μισογύνη χωρίς ξέπλυμμα. 2/
Κανείς δεν αναρωτιέται πως είναι δυνατόν αντιδιαμετρικά αντίθετες ιδεολογίες (λολ) όπως ΝΔ-Συριζα κ λοιπή ΝεοΑριστερά να συμφωνούν στο μοναδικό ζήτημα που θίγει το 52% του πληθυσμού.
Αλλά ανησυχούν για την ελευθερία του τύπου. 3/
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It’s time once again for This Week in Clown World, & what a week it’s been.

We’ve had aggressive men in women’s sports, a host of angry trans activists, truly disturbing crimes, a brand spanking new definition of “woman”,& appearances from some familiar faces- let’s get into it
I’ll start with Sports.

The ACLU tweeted “VICTORY” after a Connecticut Court ruled that trans students could play on the school team that is “consistent with their gender identity”.

This is not a victory for all the girls who will now be forced to compete against boys.
Also in the US, the NHL held a “transwomen” vs “transmen” match. Predictably, not only did the biologically male team win easily, but a bio woman ended up hospitalised with a concussion. It’s almost like it’s dangerous for men to play against women in collision sports 😬
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@svenlehmann @janboehm
1) "Persönlichkeitsentfaltung"? Darum geht es nicht bei Geschlechtsidentitätsideologie und Gesetzesvorhaben wie dem #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz. Entpacken wir das an einigen Beispielen.
#FrauenSagenNein #Womanface #Turds #ZDFMagazinRoyale #TerfIsASlur #ÖRR
2) Die Verbreitung von Stereotypen wie Frauen zu sein haben und dass Männer "Frauen" sein können, wenn sie sich an diese Stereotypen halten, ist keine "Persönlichkeitsentfaltung". Es ist #Frauenfeindlichkeit.

#Turds #ZDFMagazinRoyale #Oerr
3) Wenn Männer sich "Mutter" nennen, ist es keine "Persönlichkeitsentfaltung", es ist #Frauenfeindlichkeit.

#ÖRR #ZDFMagazinRoyale #Turds #FrauenSagenNein #oerr
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Time for 🤡 This Week In Clown World 🤡 (a thread 🧵)

Since last Sunday…

-Stonewall has urged employers to let staff have 2 email addresses so that they can swap gender identities on different days should they feel it’s necessary. This will not be in any way confusing 😬

-The Midwifery Council of NZ is updating its Scope of Practice guidance for midwives to entirely remove the words 'mother' and 'woman'. 🚫🤰

-Thousands of miles away in the US, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer calls women “people with a period.”

-In this week’s most egregious example, a Non-binary Welsh County Councillor made a TikTok where “they” referred to women as “people with c*nts”. Nice & not at all offensive 🙃

🏅In this weeks Sporting News🏅

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This week, ACLU filed a Motion to Intervene in WoLF’s California lawsuit challenging SB 132, which allows men who self-identify as women into women-only prisons:… 1/6
Lambda Legal, the Transgender Law Center, and the ACLU foundations of Northern California and Southern California are representing four incarcerated men along with the Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project (“TGIJP”). 2/6
The ACLU objects to the state’s choice to slow the transfer the more than 300 men who have sought transfer to women’s facilities, one-third of whom are sex offenders (though the ACLU denies this documented, material fact in its court pleadings). 3/6
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A short thread🧵 on why #NoToSelfID is important right now. @scotgov want to reform the Gender Recognition Act #GRA & remove the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. To a process where people can self declare the gender they wish to live as This is Self ID /1
Self-ID allows individuals to declare themselves to be something they are not. They use the word ‘gender’, which is not adequately defined for individuals to declare whether they are a man or a woman and a boy or a girl /2
Implications for women & girls are:

👉Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & be treated on a female hospital ward

👉Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & play in women's sports

👉Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & enter a rape crisis centre
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1/10 Recently a teacher told my class that a baby can be “assigned” the wrong sex at birth… and that is how a man can “actually” be a woman. I rolled my eyes so much it’s a wonder they didn’t roll right out of my head! #SexIsObserved #SexMatters #SexIsReal #SexNotGender
2/10 I said, “No. Sex is observed and recorded, not assigned. If you have a penis you are a male.” It was at this point that a fellow student chipped in. #BiologyIsNotBigotry #Biology #WomenWontWheest #WeWillBeHeard #SexMatters #SexNotGender #SexIsImmutable
3/10 “Being trans is like being told you're right-handed all your life then realising you're actually left-handed,” she said. #NoThankYou #WhatIsAWoman #AdultHumanFemale #KPSS #BiologyIsNotBigotry
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¿En qué me afecta la ley?

Pues en tantas cosas que no me ha dado la imagen para poner todo en lo que nos puede afectar, así que lo voy dejando en un hilo, para que veáis que no es oro todo lo que reluce, @iurioja ⬇️⬇️

(Tengo tantos links que no me deja ponerlo como hilo)
@iurioja Hilo de noticias:
Hombres en cárceles de mujeres, hombres usando la ley para acceder a "ventajas" de mujeres, más hombres usurpando puestos deportivos y becas para mujeres... (sigue)
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Women's rights organization @SpeakUp4WomenNZ presented an argument against a sex self-identification clause being proposed in legislation.

A member of NZ Parliament, MP @EKerekere uploaded this defamatory and bullying video clip to her Facebook page after the session.
@SpeakUp4WomenNZ @EKerekere Watch @SpeakUp4WomenNZ's excellent testimony to New Zealand's Parliament arguing against enshrining sex-self identification in law.
After which, @BeeFaerie implied that SUFW didn't have enough of a social media following for her concerns to be relevant.
@SpeakUp4WomenNZ @EKerekere @BeeFaerie "It is a belief system that people have been born in the wrong body. Autogynephiles and men in dresses are not women."
Rex Landy did not mince her words in her submission. @BeeFaerie responded by turning off her camera.
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Rae Rollins, a trans-identified ♂️ who was transferred to a NJ women's prison, has been transferred back to a men's prison after experiencing first-hand the violence and sexual abuse of male guards towards female inmates.
The women can't transfer out.…
In NJ's Edna Mahan women's prison, women inmates were raped by male guards for years; the DoJ found "a culture of acceptance of sexual abuse."

After Rollins, a trans-identified ♂️ was beaten there, 31 guards have been suspended and a criminal investigation is underway.
I repeat: a trans-identified ♂️ has transferred out of a women's prison because the abuse by male prison guards against female inmates was WORSE than being in a men's prison.

Abuse that went on for decades, including rape, and nothing was done.…
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This year, California implemented sex self-identification for prison housing. Any man can seek transfer to women’s facilities if he says he is “transgender.” He does not have to identify as a woman(!) as long as he does not identify as a man. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex
The LA Times reported yesterday that 255 transfer requests to women’s facilities have been made in the first three months of this policy. Most are yet to be processed, but no transfer requests have yet been denied.…
California reported in 2009 that 20% of inmates who ID as trans are sex offenders. This means at least 50 current transfer requests to women’s facilities are likely rapists. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #NotOurCrimes…
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Makayla Sandve, who began identifying as a woman a month after incarceration, is filing for a transfer to a women's prison after a request was denied due to an "extensive criminal record." The BC Tribunal called this "biological determinism."
Among items listed in the human rights complaint by trans-identifying inmate Makayla Sandve is the refusal of a female prison guard to perform a body search.

"Sandve requested a female guard to perform a search but the female corrections officer said, 'eww, I’m not doing it.'"
Another purported human rights violation is the refusal to provide Sandve with the women's prison uniform, and "feeling ugly without clothing needed to express her gender."
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This person, who has been convicted of a violent assault, will now be in female crime statistics and will be held in a women's prison.
They assaulted 3 different men, 1 man who was punched in the face…
fell and hit his head off the path and suffered a bleed on the brain and a fractured skull.
We now have 3 transwomen held in women's prisons in Ireland.
Why does it matter if they are held in prison and a woman's prison?
Why does it matter if they are in the statistics as Female?
450 out of 678 Female offenders, (2019 statistics) the vast majority, are in prison for theft or government offences-for eg, not paying a fine.
Based on recent years committal rates in Irish prisons for violent and sexual crimes: 3 in 100,000 is the rate of
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Bonjour Twits! In 2020, when one of my idols @jk_rowling was being attacked online, I became fully aware of the shemozzle we are in. I dove in and haven’t surfaced since. I read tweets, articles, books.. I couldn’t look away. And I continue to be appalled every day.
I’ve witnessed women losing their jobs, Gender Critical Reddit taken down, many of my favourite women on Twitter suspended, campaigns to remove @AbigailShrier’s Irreversible Damage from shelves. This is disgraceful, I thought. This isn’t fair. This isn’t right.
In Australia, where I live, there was recent chaos about women-only ocean pools. A bookshop apologised for hosting the wonderful @bindelj three years ago. I won’t be shopping there. But I want to do more. I’ve been wanting to get involved. So here I am.
Read 16 tweets

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