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I blew you a kiss when you flipped us off and hereā€™s another one, you delusional misogynist. šŸ˜˜

Also youā€™re wrong but I know you donā€™t care. Next time come up, weā€™d love to talk to you!

Read this:ā€¦

And #NoMalesInWomensJails #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #KPSS
Sorry youā€™re having a Big Traffic Sad about men not liking prisons but like, theyā€™re not women, no matter how many pieces of ā€œwomenā€™sā€ clothing they put on. And an inverted penis (not a requirement for access since C-16 in 2017 btw) is still a penis.
And thatā€™s not a threat, btw. We (unlike members of a particular cult) are capable not only of defending our arguments (it helps to be right tbh) but also of hearing and engaging with people who disagree with us without calling them Nazis or subtweeting themā€¦.
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In what can only be described as a huge about-turn, one of the principal architects of gender self-id in Ireland, Fianna FƔil's Willie O'Dea, appears to have had a change of heart about the wisdom of implementing the self-id model of gender recognition.. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex Image
O'Dea, who was a member of the Gender Recognition Bill Committee that removed the requirement for a medical assessment in order to obtain a gender recognition certificate and replaced it with the disastrous self-id model,
gave his support to the women who were protesting outside the DƔil with the message "No Males in Women's Jails." The housing of violent male sex offenders in Limerick women's prison has come about as a direct result of the self-id model of gender recognition,
Read 7 tweets
Way to turn your back on girls & women @Beyonce Some girl will be assaulted and this is partly on YOU. @MattWalshBlog @Timcast Itā€™s hard to be a woman who knows what a woman is with women like @Beyonce turning her back on the rest of us to cater to men in dresses. šŸ‘‡šŸ»
These men have a high likelihood of being predatory. According to the BOP 48.47% of TIMs in prison are sex offenders. Also, transvestism is highly correlated with other paraphillias such as voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia and sexual assault fantasies. šŸ‘‰šŸ» ImageImage
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I spoke briefly (terrifying but worth it) at #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham yesterday and although I'm worried about any backlash particularly loss of clients and work etc, I'm glad I did. As an #autistic woman who has been parroting the gender woo for a while now, I'm so worried
About what is happening in #autism services and to #autistic kids as revealed by @hannahsbee (her book was a real turning point for me, its evidenced, balanced and free of ideology) I had intense issues with my body as a pre teen. I couldn't cope with the changes of puberty. I
Can totally see the appeal of rejecting all the societal bullshit that comes with being a female, especially when you're also #autistic and moving through the world is hard enough. Except, we can't ever really reject it. 'Top surgery' and Pronouns won't take away dysphoria, or
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HUGE congrats @RevFemStBeat and the other women of #GetMenOut New Jersey for their protest against male felons in female prisons, and solid coverage in the New York Post,ā€¦!

This is the best I've seen yet in the United States.

Brilliantly done!
@RevFemStBeat The UN "Mandela Rules" or "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners" state that male and female prisoners should never be housed together.ā€¦

To do so is a human-rights violation, under Rule 11, "separation of categories." Image
In times of war it is also against the Geneva Convention to place male and female prisoners together.

Housing male prisoners in female prisons is an OBVIOUS human-rights violation, for obvious reasons.

No male felon should EVER be in a female prison.
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šŸ§µIt's all the speeches this lot didn't want you to hear from the @StandingforXX #LetWomenSpeak rally yesterday at #SpeakersCorner Hyde Park! Huge thanks to @roseveniceallan and @ThePosieParker who was much missed.

Thread will grow as I get through them! Subtitles coming later!
First up we had @RachelK01840150 with this barnstorming speech about the unpopularity of women who made historic gains for women's rights! šŸ”„

Charlotte Edwards, @rafaellacjthis, gave this short address against the medicalisation of gender non conformity.šŸ‘šŸ‘

Read 25 tweets
Given that @UKLabour are now apparently ā€˜very clearā€™ on womenā€™s rights, weā€™d like to ask @Keir_Starmer to answer some questions which are of importance to women (& their votes)

Please feel free to add your own.

1. What is a woman Keir?

A šŸ§µā€¦
2. Will you, at any time in Govt, seek to introduce gender self ID?

3. What EXACTLY do you mean by ā€˜reformingā€™ the GRA?

4. What is your position on TWAW, TMAM, NBIAV now @Keir_Starmer?ā€¦
5. Will you now unequivocally defend @RosieDuffield1 from the detractors in YOUR party?

6. Will there now be a place for @LabWomenDec @FiLiA_charity and others at conference?
Read 8 tweets
LATEST: Man Convicted for Raping Minor Pleads Innocence Claiming ā€˜Transā€™ Identity. Court used ā€˜preferred pronounsā€™ and placed him in womenā€™s prison.
Please read & RT.
#VSezine #ezine #sexnotgender #keepprisonssinglesex
An Indian man has been sentenced to 7 years imprisonment with a INR 25,000 fine for raping a minor in 2016. The court has asked that the fine be paid to the victim directly as ā€˜compensationā€™ failing which, his sentence will be increased by another year.ā€¦
Under normal circumstances, this would just be quotidian news given the frequency of male violence against women in India. One would even think this was a swift recourse for the victim considering an overburdened legal system.ā€¦
Read 26 tweets
Let's go, people! It's time to TERF it up again!

These fkrs think they can throw ONLY violent men out of women's prisons.

But we won't stop until ALL MEN are out!

When the overwhelming majority of rapes and sexual offences go under-reported and unprosecuted, we

1/ šŸ§µ

If a guy who pretends he's a woman goes into a female jail for unpaid fines and he previously assaulted WOMEN via domestic violence or child molestation, that WONT be taken into consideration.

They think we're zipped up the back!

A man who walks around communal showers in the female prison with an erection is a threat to women.

A woman who has to take contraception because SHE LIVES IN FEAR OF BEING RAPED or SEXUALLY ASSAULTED is being TERRORISED.

That is called TORTURE according to the

Read 4 tweets
A šŸ§µWe were asked yesterday by a journalist what WRN Scotland had done to campaign against the #GRR Bill here's our list
šŸ’šwritten letters to MSPs &MPs as constituents
šŸ¤Had meetings with MSPs and MPs
šŸ’œ provided written feedback to the #GRR bill consultation
šŸ’šAttended rallys organised by @ForWomenScot at Holyrood
šŸ¤Fundraised through the WRN to have an advan with the message #NoMenInWomensSpaces
šŸ’œOrganised for the ad van to drive round Edinburgh at the Rally in Oct
Thanks to @moleatthedoor for his help
šŸ’šWRN #SaveOurSpaces campaign postcards we're sent to all MSPs
šŸ¤We designed 2 sets of postcards with the message No To Self ID
šŸ’œ 500 #NoToSelfID postcards were distributed and sent to all MSPs
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@svenlehmann @janboehm
1) "Persƶnlichkeitsentfaltung"? Darum geht es nicht bei GeschlechtsidentitƤtsideologie und Gesetzesvorhaben wie dem #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz. Entpacken wir das an einigen Beispielen.
#FrauenSagenNein #Womanface #Turds #ZDFMagazinRoyale #TerfIsASlur #ƖRR
2) Die Verbreitung von Stereotypen wie Frauen zu sein haben und dass MƤnner "Frauen" sein kƶnnen, wenn sie sich an diese Stereotypen halten, ist keine "Persƶnlichkeitsentfaltung". Es ist #Frauenfeindlichkeit.

#Turds #ZDFMagazinRoyale #Oerr
3) Wenn MƤnner sich "Mutter" nennen, ist es keine "Persƶnlichkeitsentfaltung", es ist #Frauenfeindlichkeit.

#ƖRR #ZDFMagazinRoyale #Turds #FrauenSagenNein #oerr
Read 22 tweets
Listening to @preta_6's hearing and so far Greta Bauer's testimony contains so many contradictions, it's hard to know where to begin. She calls @jk_rowling "transphobic" but when pressed says "I can't say whether she hates anyone because hate is an emotion." >
She says "no one says sex isn't real" but won't admit that womanhood is a biological reality. She talks about male violence but if sex is real and trans identified males are real, why no empathy for women? >
She admitted in previous testimony that sex and gender identity are different categories but is repeatedly conflating sex with gender. Plus Lawyer Barbara Findlay frames everything in terms of male and female. The whole line of questioning is a dog's breakfast of illogic. >
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"Rape is a specific form of torture used most frequently against women. To subject female prisoners to thread of rape and sexual assault is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and a form of psychological torture."ā€¦

#KPSS #KeepPrisonsSingleSex
"The United Nations ā€˜Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisonersā€™ (called the Nelson Mandela Rules) require that 'different categories of prisoners shall be kept in separate institutions or parts of institutions, taking account of their sexā€¦ The United Nations ā€˜Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatme
"ā€¦ taking account of their sex, age, criminal record, the legal reason for their detention and the necessities of their treatment' and that 'men and women shall so far as possible be detained in separate institutions'."ā€¦
Read 5 tweets
We now have the clearest possible indication that Keep Prisons Single Sex is making a difference.
We are being heard. YOU are being heard.
What we do works so we must keep up the pressure. To do that, we need your help:ā€¦
Keep Prisons Single Sex is the only organisation whose sole focus is women in prison & the criminal justice system. We will never deviate from this & we will never compromise.
Whether itā€™s Amendments in the House of Lords, giving evidence to Scottish Parliament, discussions with Ministry of Justice and Scottish Prison Service, or producing in-depth research & reports, your support will help us to fight on.
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A New York woman wrote to her state senator to express concern about the state housing men in women's prisons on the basis of their "female gender identity." 1/10
I'm posting screenshots of his (rather pathetic) response here, with her permission. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex
@WDI_USA @DeclarationOn @NoXY_USA @NoXYinXXprisons @womaniiwomaninc 2/10
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šŸŽ™Latest podcast is out!

The fantastic @HotchkissRhona talks to us about why placing males with vulnerable women in prison impacts on their privacy, dignity and safety


#WomensRightsNetwork #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #SaveOurSpaces #SexNotGender #NoToSelfID
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Do your friends, family, associates find it hard to believe that there are males in women's prisons and jails in šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø?
Do they have assumptions about what sort of males these might be?
Here's some data. 1/14
There are males in women's prisons and jails in šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø largely due to regulations under the Prison Rape Elimination Act, known as PREA Standards. While the Act itself did not contemplate cross-sex housing, the Standards (at 28 CFR 115.42(c)) almost casually reference it: 2/14 Image
PREA Standards (at 28 CFR 115.42(g)) also forbid having dedicated or segregated units for trans-identifying inmates. More aggressive litigation and enforcement has meant that informal such units have been disbanded: 3/14 Image
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The other day, I was asking my grandmother about her childhood. That got me thinking - what will MY future grandchildren say when I tell them about my childhood? Thread about how I imagine this will go:

#SexMatters #SexNotGender #LetWomenSpeak #RespectMySex

Future Grandchild (FG): What was life like when you were young?

Me: Wellā€¦ misogyny was celebrated, stereotypes encouraged & healthy kids embarked on lifelong medical nightmares.

FG: What? Did that actually happen?

Me: Oh, believe me, it did.

#WomenWontWheest #misogyny

FG: How?

Me: There were these men who wore dresses, liked pink and did other stereotypical feminine things. They decided they were ACTUALLY women.

FG: Youā€™re joking!

Me: Iā€™m not!

Read 12 tweets
Over the last few years, along with the TWAW chant, trans rights extremists have said some pretty ridiculous things! Here are some of the craziest:

#TransCult #TransActivismIsMisogyny #TranswomenAreMen #TransmenAreWomen
ā€œGender neutral toilets are fine. We all have them in our own homes!ā€
I mean, who amongst us hasnā€™t encountered an unknown male in our private toilet?! What a winning argument! (And they still make it. All. The. Time.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø)

#SexMatters #SingleSexSpaces #SexNotGender
ā€œNobody can tell a transwoman from a biological woman.ā€
Nope. Far too difficult. There is absolutely no way that I can spot the TIM here!

#WeAllKnow #MenArentWomen #WomenArentMen #WhatIsAWoman #AdultHumanFemale #SexMatters #KPSS #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #SaveWomensSports Image
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This week, ACLU filed a Motion to Intervene in WoLFā€™s California lawsuit challenging SB 132, which allows men who self-identify as women into women-only prisons:ā€¦ 1/6
Lambda Legal, the Transgender Law Center, and the ACLU foundations of Northern California and Southern California are representing four incarcerated men along with the Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project (ā€œTGIJPā€). 2/6
The ACLU objects to the stateā€™s choice to slow the transfer the more than 300 men who have sought transfer to womenā€™s facilities, one-third of whom are sex offenders (though the ACLU denies this documented, material fact in its court pleadings). 3/6
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A short threadšŸ§µ on why #NoToSelfID is important right now. @scotgov want to reform the Gender Recognition Act #GRA & remove theĀ need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. To a process where people can self declare the gender they wish to live as This is Self ID /1
Self-ID allows individuals to declare themselves to be something they are not. They use the word ā€˜genderā€™, which is not adequately defined for individuals to declare whether they are a man or a woman and a boy or a girl /2
Implications for women & girls are:

šŸ‘‰Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & be treated on a female hospital ward

šŸ‘‰Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & play in women's sports

šŸ‘‰Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & enter a rape crisis centre
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I am #NotABot

Iā€™ve been tweeting in my name for 10+ years

Iā€™ve been tweeting #KeepPrisonsSingleSex since 2018 when I realised how womenā€™s sex based rights were being rolled back, with the most vulnerable women paying the highest price

As historian & lecturer, I tweeted mainly about history

When I defended womenā€™s sex-based rights, #twitterstorians blocked & unfollowed me

Most women canā€™t afford to face professional & personal ostracism

I tweeted more for women who canā€™t

Then came the vexatious complaints to my employer

My university supported my academic freedom and exonerated me in two investigations

Few feminists in these circumstances have been given a fair hearing

Thatā€™s why women tweet anonymously


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