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Jun 15th 2023
@ExoMultiversX is a multi-chain #P2EGame #MMORPG where players command their planets, evolve civilizations, and battle against other Players while earning rewards in $XO #cryptocurrency

As they joined @MultiversX #Blockchain, let’s give them a warm welcome & spotlight!

πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡ Image
EXO - The Origin is the story of the first manned mission to #Mars, encountering a representative of an ancient civilization sharing the legend of 10,000 monoliths scattered throughout the galaxy.

A story @elonmusk would find rather interesting.…

@ExoMultiversX is a fully on-chain #Web3Game, meaning the in-game items are ERC-1155 #NFT tokens @ethereum

The EXO V2 brings the game to @MultiversX
@0xPolygon & others.

They partnered with @GiantsVillage for a smooth implementation to #MultiversX

Read 6 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
The anticipated announcement is here.

In this thread we will touch on the huge updates for EgoVersus: The First Strike and our new partnership with @valibots 🧡
@valibots now have their own unique store within our map "The Mall". The Valibot store is like NO other and truly stands out in the middle of the battle field.
Additionally, our development team is 3D modeling the characters from @valibots collection. Their bada** vali girls will soon be playable in our game.

You will be able to play with these vali girls if you own one of @valibots #NFTs.

Mint link:
Read 16 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
Alright yall, I am no longer with @RemnantsNFT.

This is going to get messy. I'm currently working on a multi-page document to show all of the issues with the team.

Some notes: πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡

ps: ask about 30% Loot from owning a Camp.

#NFTs #SolanaNFTs #NFTCommmunity #P2E #P2EGame
Lead dev was working on another project while off for "family reasons.", no output on rems during this time, multiple commits to another project.

Lead dev got ~15% of Female mint funds, nearly no output since.

Out of 3 Full Time devs, I did 90% of the work in the last 3 months
I was personally attacked on multiple occasions, called a "Little Bitch", etc (lots of proof on this in upcoming doc).

Mostly because I tried to hold people accountable to their tasks, and they seen this as talking down to them.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
hey #coinhuntworld, the @chw_wiki is expanding beyond to the @CUBIE_DAO.
We have been developing awesome content & tools for @CoinHuntWorld game & more #education beyond

We are 100% self-supported with team of @CHW_WikiTeam volunteers & we need your help.

@gitcoin #quadraticfunding for #gitcoingrants means that every dollar you donate goes MUCH farther than you'd expect Image
I wrote a handy-dandy tutorial, and @ImpalerLeif turned it into a 😎 video to walk you through the whole #donation process, from @UpholdInc, through @MetaMask, all the way to @gitcoin

Read 7 tweets

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