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Feb 17th 2022
5 concepts you should know in 5 Tweets:

Ringelmann Effect
Group Attribution Error
90-9-1 Rule
Braess's Paradox
Pollyanna Principle

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Ringelmann Effect

As a group size increases, individuals tend to become increasingly less productive

Consider a tug of war. As more people are involved, their average performance tends to decrease because each participant feels that their own effort is not critical
Group Attribution Error

Falsely assuming that the views and decision outcomes of a collective group reflect the view of each member in that group, even when information is available that indicates that all members do not support the decision

Closely related to steretyping
Read 9 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
5 concepts to level up:

Delayed Gratification
Base Rate Neglect
Neglect of Probability
Friendship Paradox
Woozle Effect

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Delayed Gratification

The process an individual undergoes when resisting the temptation of an immediate reward in preference for a later reward

We live in a world of instant gratification: those who master the power of delayed gratification are the ones who win long term
Base Rate Neglect

A tendency to ignore the a priori probability of something by putting heavier weight on appealing information about an individual’s case

Only 3% of applicants make it into this school, but my daughter is brilliant. I’m sure they’re going to accept her!
Read 9 tweets
Feb 16th 2022
5 concepts you should know in 5 Tweets:

Fluency Heuristic
Persian Messenger Syndrome
Okrent's Law
Veirordt's Law
Cunningham's Law

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Fluency Heuristic

Related to the narrative fallacy, fluency heuristic is the tendency to believe more in ideas that are easy to explain rather than those that are hard to comprehend
Persian Messenger Syndrome

The act of blaming the bearer of negative news

Ancient Persians actually killed some messengers whose sole fault was that they brought home truthful bad news, say, of a battle lost
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2020
Practising Acting sessions in UX bay help overcome reservations among peers. It also helps to act stepping in the shoes of the user evaluating behavioural empathy.
An acting class crying scene from the movie Lady Bird.

#acting #play #cognitivewalkthrough #contextualinquiry #UX Image
Acting exposes vulnerability of every person in the group and nurture acceptance, thus it is a good team building exercise that bring people close and teaches about mutual respect.
#hr #humanresources #Coach #corporatetrainer #trainer #speaker #teambuilding #acting #performing
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