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TRIBUNE > Anne Schaub, psychologue pour enfants et adolescents, revient sur la Convention internationale de Casablanca pour l'#abolition universelle de la #GPA.…
A. Schaub déplore : "Dans les débats de société, le principal intéressé est oublié : l’enfant, et l’évident lien d’attachement premier qui se crée avec la mère dès sa conception." #GPA #Abolition
A. Schaub : "La conception, la période prénatale et la naissance vont constituer le socle de base sur lequel se construira une bonne part du devenir de tout être humain et coloriera ses relations futures." #GPA #Abolition
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Passing out parade of of 144th PMA Long Course, 63rd IC (Integrated Course), 33rd TGC (Technical Graduate Course), 3rd BMTC (Basic Military Training Course) and 18th LCC (Lady Cadets Course) was held at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Abbottabad.
Battalion Senior Under Officer (BSUO) Usman Anwar Baloch from Nushki, Balochistan won the coveted "Sword of Honor" from Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) in 144th PMA Long Course.

Congratulations to 2nd Lieutenant Usman for joining the profession of arms — Pakistan Army.
Trainees from Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka were also among the graduating cadets during the passing out parade at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA).
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3 de cada 10 niños venezolanos tienen problemas de nutrición. La llegada del Programa Mundial de Alimentos de la #ONU al país es un gran paso para atenderlos y salvar al futuro de nuestra nación. #AlimentosParaVzla
Que el Programa Mundial de Alimentos #PMA de la ONU en Venezuela rehabilite comedores escolares para entregar comidas nutritivas a niños vulnerables es un avance significativo. ¡Nuestros niños lo necesitan! #AlimentosParaVzla
El Programa Mundial de Alimentos de la ONU beneficiará a 185 mil niños en riesgo de desnutrición en 2021 y llegará a 1,5 millones de niños en 2022. La seguridad alimentaria para los niños garantizará un mejor desarrollo para ellos. #AlimentosParaVzla
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Dear Friends, Welcome to Day 29 of the #30DayMentalChallenge. As always, join any time with the article/pledge linked in bio. I woke up this morning not knowing what to post—I will never feed you generalities or invent some “insight” or homily suit to the hour... 1/8
2/8 But it did occur to me: aiming for greatness is no larger or smaller than aiming for ordinariness. Today I want you to aspire within, and by followup without, to utter excellence. Why couldn’t this be the greatest day of your life as measured by reversal of a depleting...
3/8 pattern, overcoming of a chronic self-limitation, usurpation of a weakness, or arrival of that one “yes” that is needed (I always say: it takes only one yes)? There is no ethical or practical reason why not. Just as life visits catastrophes on us—often cultivated...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 28 of the #30daymentalchallenge. As always, join any time with link in bio. Today is a true return to basics. I was inspired by something posted yesterday by challenger @KaraDemetropou1 (used with permission): “Day 1... 1/8
2/8 of the #30daymentalchallenge was a success! Mainly just made me aware of how shockingly often my mind defaults to seeing the negative sides of life… It's been so much more powerful than I could have imagined. I'm struck by the fact that, prior to the last few days, I let...
3/8 all these negative thoughts just run rampant, unopposed in my mind. It's challenging, to be sure, but viewing it as mental calisthenics is helping…Anxiety and general feelings of being overwhelmed is one of my main mental hurdles. But now I notice when I'm in an anxious...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 27 of the #30DayMentalChallenge. As always, join any time with link in bio. I’ve written before that knowing what you want is more difficult than it may first appear. Peer culture often takes from us the capacity to self-disclose... 1/7
2/7 our wishes. We internalize values and decisions that belong to others. I have watched other people (and myself) get torn in two by divided fealties—or rather divisions between what they say they want and what they really want. For example: do you want people to relate to...
3/7 you in a certain way? Whatever that means to you, it may be entirely valid; it may not be a psychological construct but a legitimate wish. I think we throw away or deny our desires too easily. I have a family member who harmed himself through division and a lack of...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 26 of the #30daymentalchallenge. As always, join any time with article/pledge in bio. Today’s theme is cycles. Goethe observed that days tend to go in cycles and I have observed this as true. Life is rhythmical. He also observed,... 1/5
2/5 as Emerson noted, that what you wish for when you’re very young comes upon you in waves when you’re old—so be careful. Is that also true? I ask you today to peer into your earliest conscious memories, from ages three or four, and make that consideration. I think—barring...
3/5 extreme countervailing events—there is greater symmetry to life than we allow. We sometimes fight this symmetry, which can leave us feeling painfully divided. There is relief, too, within this symmetry. Life visits seasonal changes upon us. It sometimes exacts prices in...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 25 of the #30DayMentalChallenge. Join any time with pledge/article linked in bio. Life deals us a difficult but transcendent truth, which is that your greatness lies in a single direction. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that the formula... 1/5 Image
2/5 for power is “concentration” and “drilling”—that is, focus on a single point and continual practice or effort in that direction. This is seen in nature: dispersal brings weakness and concentration brings force—it is the difference between water mist and a waterfall...
3/5 Well-roundedness is overrated. The difficulty is that life requires multiple tasks of us. We are workers, artists, caregivers, parents, etc. What to do? My gambit—and ours today—is that one well-selected aim, passion, or destiny (you have one) can cover many different...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 24 of the #30daymentalchallenge. Join any time with pledge linked in bio. I was recently rewatching The Wizard of Oz (and the amazingly underrated Return to Oz) and smiled at a reference to getting “in tune with the infinite”...1/8
2/8 That’s the title of a hugely popular 1897 New Thought book that I am reintroducing. I love New Thought because I believe in its basic premise of mind causation. I have deep differences, however, with how most New Thought literature has approached suffering, hate, and...
3/8 anger. There is, I believe, too much namby-pamby denialism in traditional New Thought. In the same way that certain eastern philosophies, or their adaptations in the west, can tear seekers in two with injunctions to “non-attachment,” so can America’s homegrown metaphysics...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 21 of the #30daymentalchallenge. As always, join anytime with link in bio. Today begins our final 10 days. Some of you have written me asking how to stay “on” the program. The truth is: if you’re not falling off you’re not... 1/8
2/8 really doing it. Our minds and emotions—the amalgam of which I call our psyche—are enormously conditioned toward fear, hostility, and anger. These things are not *always* negative. Fear or even anger in the face of legitimate danger can be preserving. But as in the case...
3/8 of PTSD these reactions become hyper-conditioned, habitual, self-justified, and automatic. Hence such reactions form the very danger that they seek to ameliorate. This is the psychological mechanism at the back of the Oedipus drama. Overcompensating for perceived flaws or...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 20 of the #30daymentalchallenge. Join us anytime with article/pledge in bio. Today’s theme is: Use all solutions. Too often we get hemmed into thinking not only in terms of our mind’s eye image but also in terms of what options are...1/7 Image
2/7 available to “spiritual” people. Often this is nothing but internalized peer pressure, unverified ideas that are hallowed by repetition, and decisions made by others. The margin notes in our books are filled with such assumptions. Become aware of—and test—what truly works...
3/7 for you. Often solutions arrive in a complex of ways—just as problems have a complex of causes. Hence if you suffer from anxiety, as I do, you may find a solution in an Rx, meditation, situational changes, talk therapy, prayer, chanting, in any and all varieties. If you...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 18 of the #30DayMentalChallenge. Join any time with link in bio. For those of you in the U.S. who observe Thanksgiving today may be different from previous years due to COVID but similarities and not differences are our chief concern...1/6
2/6 If you are following this challenge you likely feel unsettled with norms. For this reason holidays can seem perpetually unsettling. Holidays and family gatherings are often unsettling for sensitive people. You feel misunderstood by relatives and family members...
3/6 That’s because you are misunderstood. Who knows us less than our birth families? Who knows us less than aunts and uncles and so on who want us to be like them? To vote like them. To think like them. If you’re around such people today my message is: you are free...
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Friends, good morning and welcome to Day 16 of the #30DayMentalChallenge. Join any time with link in bio. How do you conceptualize yourself? While it is true that we all have our natural aptitudes, affinities, and areas of relative strength/weakness, the narrative that...1/4
2/4 we self-condition around these things plays a seismic role not only in self perception but in determining the very nature of experience. William James made the observation that act precedes and determines mood, not vice versa. In every possible instance, assume the gait
3/4 of construction, frame yourself in the strongest possible terms, and that act itself—even if beginning as an inner movement—will impact self-perception over time. And sometimes in remarkable ways even in a moment. This is our experiment for today...
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Friends good morning and welcome to Day 13 of the #30daymentalchallenge. As always, join anytime and find link in bio. Yesterday was a tough day for me—you?—and today I am back on. Friction is part of life—it’s the only part of life that fosters creation. Without an unmet...1/4
2/4 need we would remain inert. That is why I feel the snake in the garden emancipated rather than misled. In his magisterial book Meetings with Remarkable Men, spiritual teacher G.I. Gurdjieff includes an addendum, “The Material Question.” He tells the story of how he...
3/4 and a group of students fled the Russian Revolution and found themselves desperately without money in Constantinople. They tried and tried to procure resources but their efforts failed. Just at the moment when everything seemed about to collapse a forgotten resource...
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Friends, good morning and welcome to Day 12 of the #30daymentalchallenge. As always, join any time with link in bio. Many of you have written to me with really moving stories—we’re doing this seeker to seeker and it’s important to exchange—and also with grueling challenges...1/7
2/7 I often say that we experience many laws and forces, including those of physical limitation. This is why I eschew the term “law of attraction.” I don’t like the implication that we live under one mental super law. While consciousness may be (and I believe is) the ultimate...
3/7 arbiter of reality we do not, the vast majority of the time, dwell in that sphere. Kick a rock and you will feel mass—and pain. That is as much a law in its effects as any other. Yet we also dwell within the extraordinary. The mind is the medium for experience that exceeds...
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Dear friends, good morning and welcome to Day 11 of the #30daymentalchallenge. Join any time—with link in bio. What is “positive thinking?” I eschew terms like “manifest”’and “Law of Attraction.” (I write instead about “selection” and the existence of numerous laws... 1/5
2/5 and forces.) But I hang onto this “golden oldie” of positive thinking. I like its historicism, I like its plainness—and something more. To me, positive thinking means deliberative thinking. It means constructive, directed, and determined thought. It does not mean rosy...
3/5 or myopic thought. It does not necessarily mean loving of neighbor or enemy, or denying of opposition or evil. (In terms of the psyche, I define evil as spite, a trait I despise). It does not deny concepts like victory—when pursued with ethics and reciprocity...
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Friends, good morning and welcome to Day 8 of the #30DayMentalChallenge. As always, you can join anytime—link in bio. I was asked yesterday about my favorite affirmation or meditation. These things are very individualized and I don’t have a single favorite... 1/9
2/9 But I want to say something about the uses of affirmations. First, I don’t think it matters whether you structure an affirmation in present or future tense—don’t concern yourself with structure so long as the statement is emotionally persuasive to you. There’s no wrong way...
3/9 Then there is the question of use. I follow the method prescribed by French mind theorist Emile Coué, author of the famous (and often lampooned) mantra, “Day by day in every day I am getting better and better.” Coué was shrewder and more foresightful than is often...
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Friends, good morning from the Lower East Side and welcome to Day 6 of the #30daymentalchallenge. Join any time: link in bio and all commentary linked to hashtag. I hope today proves very clarifying because I want to make a point that often gets lost in the culture... 1/7
2/7 of New Age, recovery, and alternative spirituality. There is no schism—at least in this program—between the spiritual search and Rx drugs or other modalities of treatment. I believe in availing yourself of all devices that authentically help you. To summarily turn away...
3/7 from a pill or any “mainstream” treatment is to reject a doorway that could help. I want to be clear about this: I take an SSRI. It isn’t for everyone. But it’s proven a help to me. And I trust you to make informed decisions about your own needs. Without anyone else’s...
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Friends welcome to Day 4 of the #30daymentalchallenge. If you’re just joining us you can find the exercise linked in the bio. It’s never too late! Yesterday, Day 3, was, for me, an MF. Maybe it was for you too? It’s natural... 1/4 Image
2/4 We are invested in greatness and not in what is always an easy or steady road. This is necessary. No friction, no refinement. Keep Eden. I’ll take the road of hard necessity. Today our task is to renew our focus with bounding energy.
3/4 When dwelling on the past think only of that which proved fortifying and advancing. When thinking of the present set your focus on progressive, productive elements. When thinking of the future allow every reasonable ambition to be in reach.
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Good morning and welcome to Day 3 of the #30daymentalchallenge. More people continue to join (a movement?) and you can participate anytime. A link appears in the bio and all commentary is connected to the hashtag #30daymentalchallenge The greatest barrier facing us... 1/6
2/6 these 30 days is habit. Habit is neither good or bad in itself but it is self-conditioned or automatized behavior that can feel as palpable and needful as drawing breath. There are habitual dimensions to negative emotions. Watch very carefully for the manner in which you...
3/6 subtly derive a sense of relief, thrill, or excitement from anger and resentment. These emotions and their attendant bodily effects can be habitual and even addictive. Expressing anger, resentment, or bitterness can feel like a release. It can even feel euphoric...
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Good morning from the Lower East Side and welcome to Day 2 of the #30daymentalchallenge. Still lots of time to join us (or join any time)—link in bio. To address a few questions: 1) You need only hand copy the quoted passage in the article—and sign it with the pledge... 1/6 Image
2/6 2) Do not worry about slips. Wholly natural and necessary. If you don’t skip you aren’t doing it for real. Don’t worry and just keep going. 3) #PMA doesn’t mean not caring. Live your life our loud—but with determinative thinking. For these 30 days we don’t drift;...
3/6 we determine our mentality. And fight for what’s right—including human dignity and democracy. 4) The past: we’ve all suffered. These 30 days are dedicated to focusing on what is forwarding and productive. As a great teacher once observed: “The past controls the future...
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Trop longue réponse à @EricNaulleau sur la question de la #PMApourToutes, mais le débat (respectueux) auquel nos échanges ont donné lieu mérite qu'on en creuse les arguments.
Naulleau dit ceci : 👇🏿
La raison de son opposition se compose donc de deux affirmations : 1) la médecine vise à réparer les erreurs de la nature ; 2) la PMA fait ce que la nature est incapable de faire, (i.e. elle est, au sens exact, contre-nature.) Examinons ces affirmations.
1) Le rôle de la médecine serait uniquement de remédier aux « dysfonctionnements de la nature ». 🤔
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Les français sont-ils bien informés sur le #pjlbioéthique que l’@AssembleeNat s’apprête à voter en plein été dans un hémicycle déserté ?
La loi de #bioéthique modifie profondément la #filiation et débouche sur l’#eugénisme ! Elle pose de nombreuses questions.
Voici 12 bonnes raisons de NE PAS voter le #pjlbioéthique, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés de l'@AssembleeNat
1) L'ouverture de la #PMA aux femmes seules ou en couple va créer délibérément des #orphelins de père, à qui il manquera la moitié de leurs racines familiales, les déstabilisant profondément. Il y aura #discrimination entre ceux qui auront un père et ceux qui n’en auront pas !
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1/6. Il faut comprendre exactement ce qu’est la #LoiAvia. Tout ce qu’elle réprime est déjà prévu par la loi depuis longtemps. Loi de 1881 sur la liberté de la presse + Loi Gayssot de 1990.
D’ordinaire, les injures publiques sont jugées devant⬇️
2/6 le juge pénal (tribunal correctionnel) qui apprécie librement la qualification pénale des faits.
La #LoiAvia entraîne principalement 2 problèmes:
1) la loi substitue au juge des entreprises privées multinationales qui devront, sous contrainte économique sévère, censurer⬇️
3/6 elles-mêmes des propos dont elles ne prendront pas le temps de vérifier, par crainte, le bien-fondé ou réel contenu « haineux » (FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc).
2) la #LoiAvia laisse très vague la notion de « propos de haine » homophobes, racistes, grossophobes, sexistes, etc. ⬇️
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