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Sep 1st 2020
#UBI is the strategic solution to protect the ruling classes from Molotov cocktails & global civil unrest. Disclosures on coming "disbanding of existing safety-net programs" are not included in the foundation funded marketing campaigns. ImageImageImageImage
"Cutting a wide array of existing programs — such as the earned income tax credit (#EITC), #child tax credit (#CTC), temporary #assistance to needy families (#TANF), supplemental #nutrition assistance program (#SNAP), & #disability insurance — would cover only 1/5 of the cost..." Image
#UBI will "result in a massive loss of existing transfers to people w/ #disabilities & #families w/ children. This approach would exacerbate the needs of the most vulnerable members of society."

"CivilSociety" "leaders" are 21st century commodities created/utilized by the rich. ImageImageImage
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