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Sep 10th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/10/2021…
Why Afghan Refugees Aren’t Actually Welcome in California…

#refugees #california #AffordableHousing #consequences
21 Experts on the Future of Expertise: How is expertise being redefined in the modern era?…

#expertise #FutureTrends #consequences
Read 8 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
On the Thursday of @EUPHActs’ European Public Health Week (EUPHW), the daily theme is ‘Equal health for all.’ This day specifically focuses on health inequalities among those at disproportionate high risk for poor health, such as people who are homeless, ethnic minorities, 1/4
or sexual and gender minorities (e.g., #LGBTQ individuals). Therefore, this particular day is an excellent opportunity for the SGMH section to showcase our work among a wider audience, but also to raise awareness about the current (health) challenges that #LGBTQ individuals 2/4
may be facing in these #COVID19 times. Current lockdown and social distancing measures may force SGM to move back into unsafe domestic spaces, often without any support structures. Hostility and loneliness may further exacerbate the mental health challenges as a consequence 3/4
Read 4 tweets

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