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Jan 25th 2022

A day to go, #IAF Air Warriors prepare for the grand 75 aircraft flypast over #Rajpath.

A behind the scenes look at the crew of #Rafale, #Su30MkI and #Mi17IV.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 4th 2021
- Over the past few years, the #government has proposed to #amend several #environmental #laws and create entirely #new ones.
- The government has also proposed very large #industrial and #developmental projects which would effectively ruin the environment of the areas. [1/10]
#KenBetwa #River Linking #Project
This project would drown almost the entirety of the #PannaNationalPark, a richly biodiverse national park, hosting tigers, leopards, and even critically-endangered #vultures.
Read more about the project at 'The Vanishing' by @prernabindra [2/10]
2018-19: #Holistic Development of #Islands
- The #NITIAayog published a series of documents, laying out a plan to 'develop' the Indian Islands into tourist hubs.
- These documents ignored the #people and #ecology of the islands completely.
Read more: [3/10]
Read 10 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
#RepublicDay celebrations begin at Rajpath after the 21-gun salute. Helicopters of the Indian Air Force fly past the Rajpath, showering flowers on the crowds.

#HappyRepublicDay2021 ImageImageImageImage
#RepublicDay celebrations underway at the Rajpath.

#HappyRepublicDay2021 ImageImageImageImage
#LIVE: Led by Captain Deepanshu Sheoran, contingent of the 61 Cavalry marching on the Rajpath.…

#HappyRepublicDay2021 Image
Read 10 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
Farmers leaders have told them to start the rally by singing the #NationalAnthem
#FarmersProtests #tractorParade
In #Mumbai, where farmers have filled #AzadMaidan, a senior woman farmer will hoist the flag.
In #Bangalore, farmers who are protesting have food packets sponsored by transpersons organisations.
Read 23 tweets

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