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May 4th 2022
JUST NOW: We gathered outside @SenSchumer’s bldg with @VoteMamaUS @BKForgeAhead @Britt4Congress & fellow Brooklynites to tell Chuck this is an emergency & he needs to act like it. #EndTheFilibuster #SaveRoe #ExpandTheCourt
Thanks @News12BK for covering our rally today:…
And thanks to @PIX11News! Here it is…
Read 3 tweets
May 11th 2019
Thank you @DAvallone for telling the story of you brave mom— it is because of Woman like her that woman like me have been afforded the right to bodily autonomy for most of my life
I want to remind people what illegal, back alley abortions look like— the consequences that comes with this power grab of #WomensRights

Geri Santoro, 29 year old mother of 2 daughters, abused by her husband— In 1963, she left her husband w/her daughters #MyBodyMyChoice
Geri Santoro moved back to her hometown, began working to support her family, had an affair w/a married co-worker & became pregnant

Read 9 tweets
Sep 5th 2018

✅ VOTES NO on Kavanaugh
✅ Mainers for Accountable Leadership funds her future opponent

Pledge to help get Collins out of office in 2020 if she doesn’t stand with constituents;
Please RT 🖲…
Who says the GOP doesn’t care about women?

Chill the hysteria ladies!

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse (NE) is here to mansplain: Women’s Concerns About Losing Their Constitutional #ReproRights are just “HYSTERIA”…
The Grotesque Decency of Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearings
▪️Everything’s Fine
▪️Except Democrats who’ve descended into “mob rule”
▪️Democrats obstruct
▪️Stop squawking about documents
| Slate…
#HystericalDemocrats 👈🏼
Read 42 tweets
Sep 1st 2018
We must demand @SenateDems, @SenSchumer use #NoQuorum to delay #SCOTUS confirm. hearings.
> @WhiteHouse is witholding 100K pages on Kavanaugh's time in Bush WH. What are they hiding?
> New guilty plea in #Mueller probe 8/31. We must block confirmation b4 probe is complete.
How to fight this...
1. Call AND write yr senators every day, whether Republicans or Dems. Ask others to do the same. Demand there be no confirmation hearings before we see where the criminal probe of @realdonaldtrump leads.

call 202-224-3121 or text resist to 50409 - it's easy
2. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper voicing your opposition to Kavanaugh and explain your reasons why,
incl the new information about indictments in the ongoing criminal probe
the failure to release pertinent Kavanaugh files
Read 13 tweets
Aug 8th 2018
The most disingenuous argument for abortion is, "my body, my choice."

Don’t #SaveRoe (thread)
When a woman decides to kill her child, that decision infringes on a child's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Abortion says the rights of stronger and louder women trump the rights of those who can not speak.
If someone doesn't want bad breath, they brush their teeth.
If they don't, they've made the decision to have bad breath.

In the same way, if a woman makes the decision to be sexually active, she shouldn't be surprised by the result of life in her womb.
Read 4 tweets

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