> @WhiteHouse is witholding 100K pages on Kavanaugh's time in Bush WH. What are they hiding?
> New guilty plea in #Mueller probe 8/31. We must block confirmation b4 probe is complete.
1. Call AND write yr senators every day, whether Republicans or Dems. Ask others to do the same. Demand there be no confirmation hearings before we see where the criminal probe of @realdonaldtrump leads.
call 202-224-3121 or text resist to 50409 - it's easy
incl the new information about indictments in the ongoing criminal probe
the failure to release pertinent Kavanaugh files
CancelKavanaugh.com is a @womensmarch coalition doing direct action at the confirmation hearings next week.
#Stopkavanaugh #blockkavanaugh #noquorum #saveroe #defendscotus #defendroe #womendisobey #brettbye
#stopkavanaugh #noquorum #defeatkavanaugh #saveroe #defendscotus #stoptrump #womendisobey
1. Kavanaugh was nominated by a president @realdonaldtrump who is an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal crime.
#stopkavanaugh #stoptrump #noquorum @senatedems
Demand our Senators stop aiding and abetting a criminal to get away with his crimes. #noQuorum #stopKavanaugh @SenThomTillis @SenKamalaHarris @senwarren @SenGillibrand
confirmation of next #SCOTUS justice should wait until after
the People vote in the #midterms.
@SenThomTillis @senatorburr @SenKamalaHarris @SenSchumer @SenWarren @SenSanders
& has expressed that he thinks @POTUS is above the law.
Obvious conflict of interest bc trump intends to use Kavanaugh to his own advantage - not the country's.
#NoQuorum #StopKavanaugh
No need to jam thru a nom. under THESE circumstances...
-an upcoming election
-plus ongoing criminal probe questioning legitimacy of #POTUS
-plus hidden records from Bush WH
Of course, Gorsuch got his vote.
Merrick Garland didn’t.
payback time
Follow precedent set in 2016.
#NOQUOROM @senschumer @sengillibrand @senatorsanders
@senatedems must grow spines in these troubled times.
No Confirmation for Corruption!