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Nov 25th 2022
Due anni fa @BebeRexha, famosa cantante e compositrice (ha collaborato tra gli altri con #Eminem, #Rihanna, #NickiMinaj, #Pitbull, #LouisTomlinson, #geazy, #DavidGuetta, ecc.) ha detto che PER VINCERE i Grammy SI PAGA.

#GRAMMYs #sony #maneskin #showbiz #billboard #charts
@BebeRexha #Grammys, parte 2 πŸ†

Nel 2021 @ZaynMalik, ex #OneDirection, ha parlato di razzismo, favoritismi, interferenze e mancanza di trasparenza nonchΓ© di regali e mani da stringere per ottenere le nomination ai GRAMMY.

#showbiz #racism #maneskin #billboard #spotify #charts
@BebeRexha @zaynmalik #Grammys, parte 3 πŸ†

Dopo le accuse di corruzione e "comitati segreti" da parte di @theweeknd, la @RecordingAcad ha cambiato le regole ma Abel, coerentemente, 2 anni dopo ha continuato a ignorarli non presentandosi a ritirare il premio.
Anche @Drake e @silksonic li boicottano.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
Hello, everyone and welcome back to our weekly #GEMChats! This week, we'll discuss the results of the poll on whether #celebrities make successful #entrepreneurs!

Let's begin, shall we?

#startup #womenentrepreneur #business #showbiz
So recently @KylieJenner sparked a heated debate on how celebrities are successful at entrepreneurship when she was announced to become the youngest self-made #billionaire ever.…

Some feel strongly that she only dethroned #MarkZuckerberg from that position because she is part of the #Kardashian and her #entrepreneurial venture has multi-level of safety net and it allows her to #scaleup at an exponential rate.
Read 14 tweets

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