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May 9th 2023
🇫🇷 "La #guerre économique transcende totalement la distinction entre le légal et l’illégal"

Retour sur l'audition à huis clos de J. Célestin-Urbain, chef du SISSE (@Economie_Gouv) devant la commission d’enquête relative aux ingérences étrangères (14/03).

#souveraineté Image
🇫🇷 Qu'est-ce que le SISSE ? C'est le service de l’information stratégique et de la sécurité économiques. Il a pour mission de protéger les actifs stratégiques de l’économie française contre les menaces étrangères. Il dépend de la @DGEntreprises du @Economie_Gouv. Image
🇫🇷 "Nous avons pour mission principale le pilotage de la politique de sécurité #économique de l’État, qui consiste à organiser la protection des actifs stratégiques de l’économie française face aux ingérences et aux menaces économiques étrangères." #SISSE
Read 59 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
It is Day 1 of the @advancedenguk expo where we are exhibiting! Why not come and visit us and our member companies at stands K80-K84 #advancedengineering #scaleup Image
We are having a fantastic day so far @advancedenguk expo! Come and join us for a chat to find out how we can support your business in its growth! #advancedengineering #scaleup ImageImageImageImage
Day 2 has started @advancedenguk expo! Today we will see our companies pitch in the forums here at the show so why not come and chat to us at our stand to find out how we can support you! #advancedengineering #scaleup Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/04/2021…
A 45-year-old man declared 'dead' was found alive after 7 hours in a morgue freezer, reports say…

Magnetizable Concrete in Roads Could Charge Electric Cars While You Drive…

#ElectricVehicles #BatteryCharging #MagnetizableConcrete
Read 13 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
Here are my top notes from the book
Platform Scale by @sanguit.
Still my platform strategy bible!
#networkeffect #platform #marketplace #growth #startup #scaleup #innovation #businessmodel
The fastest scaling business models
allow external producers and consumers to
plug in and create and exchange value
with each other directly.
Value lies NOT in owning resources
but in managing the exchange of services
in an ecosystem.
The value is not created by the platform itself,
but by the interactions on top of the platform.
The platform business model
is to capture a part of the value
that is created in the meetings between users.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
A really excellent ”FAQ Friday” webinar from Dublin and Cork about all things #startup and #scaleup at 13h today with @RayNolan @irlTopper of @teamwork @BrianCVC. Here are main points that I took. Osclaím snáithe. 1/18
1/18. A lot more interest now in remote working. @teamwork has always worked this way. Big things are no fightin, no fightin, no fightin in chat. If you must fight do it by phone. Also schedule deep work time when its not allowed to ping each other @irlTopper
2/18. Tough times are great to build culture. Your customers and employees will remember how you treated them in bad times much more than in good. Call people and let them know you care. @irlTopper
Read 19 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
Exciting news coming out of @TechNation today. We're ecstatic to reveal applications are now OPEN for three of our leading growth programmes; Rising Stars, Upscale and Future Fifty.

Full details here:
So then, North East tech #startups! Are you looking for a huge boost in profile? Apply for
@TechNation's ⭐⭐Rising Stars⭐⭐, which also gives you the opportunity to connect with top investors, corporates and influencers!

Applications close 3 November Image
Calling fast-growing North East tech firms! Have you raised Series A funding OR hit the £1.5m revenue mark?

Join Tech Nation's leading #scaleup programme, Upscale, to accelerate your growth further! 🚀🚀

Full details:

#WeAreTechNation Image
Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
Hello, everyone and welcome back to our weekly #GEMChats! This week, we'll discuss the results of the poll on whether #celebrities make successful #entrepreneurs!

Let's begin, shall we?

#startup #womenentrepreneur #business #showbiz
So recently @KylieJenner sparked a heated debate on how celebrities are successful at entrepreneurship when she was announced to become the youngest self-made #billionaire ever.…

Some feel strongly that she only dethroned #MarkZuckerberg from that position because she is part of the #Kardashian and her #entrepreneurial venture has multi-level of safety net and it allows her to #scaleup at an exponential rate.
Read 14 tweets

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