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Sep 21st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/21/2020…
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Enabling Organizations rhyme with 21C Complexity | by Simone Cicero | Sep, 2020 | Stories of Platform Design…

#organizations #design #complexity #ecosystem #platform #entrepreneurial
Income inequality: RAND study reveals shocking new numbers…

#income #rand #inequality
Read 8 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
"We are an extremely competitive society, and challenges like the @Prosus_Ventures' Social Impact Challenge will help better our innovation & #entrepreneurial ecosystem," says @DeepakBagla_, @investindia) at the @Prosus_Ventures Social Impact Challenge for Accessibility, launch Image
He goes on to add that, "because of these challenges, the startups not only receive exposure but also funding," while talking about how challenges like the @Prosus_Ventures Social Impact Challenge for Accessibility helps #startups and #innovators
Read 3 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
Historic decisions for the #agri sector with the ordinances announced by the Union Govt, creating a progressive path forward for India's farmers, intermediaries & agri-entrepreneurs. My take on the impact in simple terms, from a farmer/ agri-entrepreneur lens...

Previously, farmers with marketable surplus could only sell to Licensed buyers such as State & private mandis, APMC licenced cold storages/ warehouses/ Companies. But these buyers could sell to anyone! A very skewed market, right!? Farmer lost earning, Trader gained margins!
Further, with the Essential Commodities Act (ECA) Govt had the right to impose price or stock control on commodities or ban exports at any time. This created intense volatility & trust deficit. No entrepreneur small or large wanted to venture into this unpredictable quagmire.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 12th 2020
People trying to draw analogies with the #GreatDepression, wartime, or 70s stagflation are missing the point IMHO 1/x
GD was a ‘sudden-stop’ shock which ended the credit-boom lending to Weimar as the Young Plan looked in jeopardy. Made worse by politics (war debts, etc), #protectionism (Smoot-Hawley), Hoover call to maintain wage-rates, #FX chaos (esp. when Brits left #gold standard) 2/x
The initial slump & ‘secondary (financial vicious cycle) depression’ then perpetuated by #NewDeal boondoggle vote-buying, #FDR capriciousness, & Brain Trust cranks. This was much more a post-#GFC parallel than today’s #ContaminoBay #lockdown 3/x
Read 15 tweets
Oct 9th 2019
Our #TeVirtualEvent with @aliceheiman starts in 10 minutes! Learn how to get into an #entrepreneurial mindset - join us here:…
@aliceheiman The #iwil #TeVE with @aliceheiman is live! Excited to hear @aliceheiman's expert insights on #entrepreneurlife
@aliceheiman Traditionally #entrepreneur is defined as founding a company - @aliceheiman sees it as a way of thinking! She teaches #entrepreneurship at @unevadareno.
Read 19 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
December first week marks completion of 16 years of my #entrepreneurial journey. I started my business at 22 with just a degree and no actual skill or experience for business. My 2 years of job experience were of beginners level & of not much help.
Looking back I can see what a daunting task I had taken up. There were stages when I almost gave up (mostly in the 1st yr) But my stubbornness sailed me through. I would constantly remind myself not be a failure. However there are a few things I wish I knew or had learnt earlier.
I wish to share a few learnings that I have had in past 16 years as an #Entrepreneur. In this #thread I will list a few lessons that I learnt the hard way and wish it wasn’t the case .
Read 23 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
0/ Thread. Having spent some time with @Nicolas_Colin on his new book HEDGE about #tech, #entrepreneurship, social #policy and the future of the Safety Net, I'm sharing some things that stuck with me, and why HEDGE is one for the ☀️📚📝 #readinglist…
1/ @Nicolas_Colin is thought-provoking not least because of his vantage point - graduated from the French ENA, worked at the top of the French civil service, set up his own company, and invests in startups all over 🇪🇺 with @_TheFamily
2/ Im not one for party politics, and HEDGE isn't about that. It's a book that speaks to the zeitgeist of the #techlash and ways for #startup #founders and #politicians to think about smart, sensible policies to build an inclusive Safety Net 2.0 📖
Read 14 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
Hello, everyone and welcome back to our weekly #GEMChats! This week, we'll discuss the results of the poll on whether #celebrities make successful #entrepreneurs!

Let's begin, shall we?

#startup #womenentrepreneur #business #showbiz
So recently @KylieJenner sparked a heated debate on how celebrities are successful at entrepreneurship when she was announced to become the youngest self-made #billionaire ever.…

Some feel strongly that she only dethroned #MarkZuckerberg from that position because she is part of the #Kardashian and her #entrepreneurial venture has multi-level of safety net and it allows her to #scaleup at an exponential rate.
Read 14 tweets

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