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May 15th 2020
[What the hell is going on in HK?]

1/ After almost a year of #HKprotests, a 22yo lifeguard #Sinkaho, the first person that pleaded guilty to riot charges, is sentenced to 4 yrs behind bars today, even though he just threw umbrella & helmet during #antiELAB on June 12 last year. Image
2/ On the contrary, the pro-#China supporter was praised for his noble sentiment & sentenced to shorter periods of imprisonment, after he stabbed innocent reporters & #HKers with cleaver & knife at #Lennonwall, leaving victims broken bones, collapsed lung & post-traumatic stress. Image
3/ This disproportionate sentencing shows that any protest against evil and abusive law is de facto classified as a more severe crime than actual killings in this city under #China’s growing control. Image
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