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Jun 9th 2023
As this thread is gathering all kinds of perspectives, below are mine, including on a bit of history. But before that, just to say that I very much value the hard work by all the people who make #cryoEM image processing better for everyone, both in academia and in industry.
In 2012, I introduced a regularised likelihood approach for #cryoEM structure determination, which formed the basis for #RELION. This approach proved to be hugely successful and is now the basis of many software packages, including also #cryoSPARC.… Image
When #RELION started to replace #EMAN and #SPIDER, and before #cryoSPARC, I expressed in multiple talks that the #cryoEM field needed more diversity in software, as a monoculture is vulnerable. I used the picture below in my talk at the 2014 NRAMM course. Image
Read 16 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
The 24 Gurus in our life....a #Thread

In general, humans work hard to nurture religion, economic progress, sense satisfaction, and spiritual knowledge, with the goal of extending their lives, gaining reputation, and enjoying material riches.
श्रीब्राह्मण उवाच
सन्ति मे गुरवो राजन् बहवो बुद्ध्युपाश्रिता: ।
यतो बुद्धिमुपादाय मुक्तोऽटामीह तान् श‍ृणु ॥

Many spiritual gurus have protected me. I now travel the planet in a liberated state, having obtained transcendental wisdom from them. Pay attn as I explain them to you.
पृथिवी वायुराकाशमापोऽग्निश्चन्द्रमा रवि: ।
कपोतोऽजगर: सिन्धु: पतङ्गो मधुकृद् गज: ॥
मधुहाहरिणो मीन: पिङ्गला कुररोऽर्भक: ।
कुमारी शरकृत् सर्प ऊर्णनाभि: सुपेशकृत् ॥
एते मे गुरवो राजन् चतुर्विंशतिराश्रिता: ।
शिक्षा वृत्तिभिरेतेषामन्वशिक्षमिहात्मन: ॥
Read 38 tweets
Oct 19th 2021

1/… Sorry for disturbing you buddy! We’ll leave you alone now! 😂

A thread about spiders. 🧵

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#wildlife #spider #nature #Australia  #animals MT @jodirowley

2. When male jumping spiders flirt with females, they risk losing their lives.

This is a mating dance, but she is not interested and he escapes with his life, because often females will eat their lover after sex.


📹: EstradaWildPhotography


3. Read about nature in The Planet newsletter.

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🧵thread continues with more spider videos 🕷
Read 12 tweets
Feb 9th 2018
What species is this? Found in Portugal, near lagoa de santo André. North of Sines. Reported to have killed dog! 2 cm long (head to end of abdomen) #spider #bigfangs Image
Read 4 tweets

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