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Dec 22nd 2021
Fascinating 🧵 by @heatherwilly on the P5's joint paper on strategic nuclear domain, which highlights the importance of crisis prevention/communication mechanisms.

This ties in with questions I have about the potential for P5 dialogues on non-nuclear conflict management. [1/5]
As I argue @CFR_CPA/@CFR_org, the P5 could do more joint confidence-building work on other (ultimately lower-stakes) conflict management issues like #humanitarian aid, #stabilisation etc. on the model of their nuclear talks. [2/5]…
Such P5 work (deliberately at a distance from the fetid day-to-day diplomacy of the #UNSC) could pave the way for the P5 summit that @franceonu has been pursuing for the last 2 years. [3/5]…
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Jan 6th 2020
[Thread on a thread] A lot of relevant questions listed by @jasmineelgamal, on which I would add few points :
1/ Beyond the decisions that are taken or not, the uncertainty created by #US messaging on #Syria before and now on #Iraq is making the work of US allies very complicated. Both military and civilian actions c/ #ISIS are paralized by uncertainty. Planning is simply impossible.
2/ Nobody wants #endlesswars and #America has to decide for itself its level of engagement in the #MiddeEast. The #US could be right to call for #burdensharing, esp. from #Gulf & #Europe, but the way it has been doing it makes it difficult for allies to answer operationally.
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