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Mar 4th 2023
Hey you!

What are some of your earliest memories of playing games, and how have you seen gaming change over the years?

Let's journey back in time and explore how web3 will impact the future of gaming. 🧵 👇 Image
1/ The Golden Era (1978-1983)

This era laid the foundations of modern video gaming with the home console bringing gaming into the mainstream and providing unprecedented immersion and accessibility for players.

Pong by Atari became a sensation and helped popularize the medium.
2/ The rise of arcades introduced the social aspect of gaming, allowing gamers to gather and compete in a shared physical space.

Classic games like Space Invaders and Pac-Man are still played and beloved today, evoking nostalgia for the golden age of gaming.
Read 37 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Let's-a-go! The first teaser trailer for The #SuperMarioBros Movie is here
Nintendo fans get their first look at Mario, Bowser, Toad and more in the new trailer for #TheSuperMarioBrosMovie
#TheSuperMarioBrosMovie teaser also features a look at Luigi, in what appears to be a reference to Luigi's Mansion
Read 4 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
La standing ovation riservata a Mario #Draghi dalla platea del #meetingRimini.

#Meeting22 #SuperMario
#Draghi: "Spetta a chi ha responsabilità di governo dire la verità e allo stesso tempo rassicurare i cittadini con risposte chiare e concrete".

Questo è il metodo Draghi.
#Draghi: "Le sfide sono molte e non sono di facile soluzione. (...) Come continuare ad assicurare all'Italia un ruolo da protagonista nel mondo, all'interno dell'Unione Europea e del legame trans-atlantico".

Diciamo che basterebbe tenere Draghi a Palazzo Chigi.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
מתחילים! #lego #Nintendo #SuperMario Image
שקית מספר 1 מתוך 21 Image
(עכשיו הפסקה לקונצרט סיום שנה של ירדן ואחר כך שיעור שחיה של יובל)
Read 26 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
A victorious thread on @PAOBCGR

Starting with @MarioHezonja's ballsy clutch on @SirHines to get thing even ❄️


A wider angle 💰

@MarioHezonja & @SireHines

Papapetrou & @Nedovic1624 celebrate Papi's dagger on OT 🤜🏽🤛🏽


Read 6 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
You're job CAN be your life but it doesn't have to be.

I enjoy my job, I'm good at my job, but I do it so I can support my family.
Can Apple and Android get their emoji game in order? I'm getting sick of seeing crossed out boxes
It's odd how often accepting people comes with stipulations.
Read 1019 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
🎮 #gbbracket es un campeonato de juegos de Game Boy. Estos 16 son juegos japoneses de caja pequeña que tengo en casa (perdón si no está vuestro favorito). Poco a poco vamos a ver cuál es el que más gusta a todo el mundo, así que por favor votad.
🎮 #gbbracket はゲームボーイソフトの勝ち抜きトーナメントです。今回の16個が家にあった箱が小さいソフトです(皆さんの懐かしいソフトなかったらお許しください)。皆さんのお気に入りが少しずつわかると思いますので是非投票してください。
Por ejemplo así de pequeña es la caja del Tetris, que aparece en la segunda mitad de #gbbracket. Es bastante más pequeña que las de los juegos de Game Boy de a partir de 1992, que son iguales que las de Game Boy Color. Las instrucciones impresas en bitono son muy chulas también.
Read 60 tweets

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