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Oct 20th 2021
On a show that began with @NicolleDWallace and #puppy patter, there was a plethora of #pet parents. They all seem like people with #pumpkin #peanutbutter #paw #treats in their pantries. @clairecmc @MichaelSteele ImageImageImageImage
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Jun 14th 2021
Hey #Ontario

8 things to think about as we head into a new week:

1) Reminder: "Hospitalization", "ICU" & "Deaths" are all subsets of the total number of "Cases" - & are subject to the same case definition.

- The case definition only requires...

...a recent "positive" test result (NO symptoms required).

- This means that neither "Cases", "Hospitalizations", "ICU" nor "Deaths" require the person to actually have COVID-19 symptoms to be counted.

2) #BREAKING: Viruses do NOT care about your feelings or how important your task is (or you feel that it is).

- If a virus so contagious and/or dangerous that the only way to protect yourself is to take precautions - then the level of risk does NOT...

Read 25 tweets
Apr 27th 2021
#DonutTour🧵: I am so excited to be out in the community & eating some incredible treats 🍩 along the way.

Today, we stopped by Grace St. Coffee & Dessert (thank you Serena Wang!), learned more about their small biz, and got to eat some great donuts & desserts. Check them out!
Here are some pics from #DonutTour Day 1! (Grace Street Coffee & Dessert) ImageImageImageImage
We are on the second day of our Manhattan #DonutTour. Today we stopped by a favorite of mine, Alimama Tea in Chinatown to have some incredible mochi donuts and milk tea boba 🍩🧋.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
I miss everything about being a #comedian, both on and off stage.

I’ll list some below but as we ask @OliverDowden to #SaveLiveComedy, as a comic or a punter, what do you miss about #LiveComedy?
I miss not knowing how a gig will go beforehands and then standing on stage telling jokes to a room that will judge a punchline in the moment & not based on any knowledge of how it’s been received before. I miss reading the room and editing as I go to get the best of a set.
I miss the awkward conversations with audience at gigs. The praise when things go well and avoidance of eye contact when you’ve died. I even miss hearing their jokes and being told “here, you can have that one for your skit!”
Read 12 tweets
Feb 25th 2019
Building stronger and more #vibrant #neighborhoods means we also need more #affordable #commercial spaces. #HALAYes
Which is why I’m proud to sponsor an amendment with
@CMRobJohnson, @CMMikeOBrien, @Lisa_Herbold that will make permanent: a requirement for #developers to include smaller #commercial spaces in their designs.
This will help more #entrepreneurs launch their dream of starting a #small #business to serve their local communities or stay in neighborhoods with the community they have built around them. #SupportSmallBusinesses
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