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May 10th 2021
Although the candidates against #Assad are chosen very carefully by Mukhabarat, the Assad administration allow them to run their campaign only from 16th to 24th of May at a time that Assad since a while using the state and institutions for campaigning.
#Syria #SyriaHighlights Image
A thread on misusing the state and the institutions by #Assad for his campaign to the elections' play.
#Syria #SyriaFakeElections
Read 18 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
Open letter to Danish Statsminister Frederiksen @Statsmin

Irish Syria Solidarity protest decision by Danish govt to cancel residencies & issue deportation notices to Syrian refugees

No part of Assad controlled Syria is safe for returned refugees

This action is illegal
2. Danish decision is in conflict with stated policy of EU

'Conditions inside Syria at do not lend themselves to voluntary return, in conditions of safety and dignity in line with international law. Many obstacles & threats still faced by returning refugees'
3. These obstacles & threats include

'in particular forced conscription, indiscriminate detention, forced disappearances, torture, physical and sexual violence, discrimination in access to housing, land and property as well as poor or inexistent basic services'
Read 20 tweets
Apr 19th 2021
/2 'Recently, there has been increased discriminatory discourse against Syrians, especially from Lebanese officials, such as Deputy PM Zeina Akar who called for the return of Syrian detainees to Syria,
/3 not to mention the refugee return plan that the Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, has declared that “the Lebanese government plan for the gradual return of the displaced Syrians, adopted on July 14, 2020, should be allowed to reach its goal
Read 10 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
Irish Syria Solidarity Movement is among 30 organisations
calling on UN Secretary General, UNHCR & international community to prevent forced return of Syrian refugees from Lebanon to Syria

Syria is not safe, returnees are at risk of detention, torture & even death
France Germany US & UK declare: “safe, dignified, informed & voluntary return” to Syria not possible at this time

Despite ongoing concerns, Lebanese Min of Social Affairs stated that Lebanon’s “plan” to return Syrians was approved at Damascus Conference on displaced in November'
Lebanon is bound by thr international law principle of nonrefoulement. As such, it must not return anyone to a place where they would face a real risk of persecution, torture or other ill-treatment, or a threat to life
Read 12 tweets

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