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Jan 12th 2022
"What tech stack are you using to build a #Bitcoin economy in a #SouthAfrican #township?"

Well, to be perfectly honest, it's not very technical. Not at all.

We risk embarrassing ourselves by describing it, but fortunately we're all here to learn.

So let's dive in!
🧵 👇
First off, as the co-founder of both this project and it's parent organization, @the_surfer_kids, my #Bitcoin education is pretty much comprised of reading @BitcoinMagazine since mid 2013. But I've never been super technical.

My personal interest has always been human-nature. Image
I run my own full node on an old laptop with @ubuntu and @bitcoincoreorg. I've also played around with a @COLDCARDwallet and setting up full nodes using @getumbrel and @mynodebtc.

But that's it. I'm not a developer. Not at all. And for now, I'm the 'expert-lead' on our team. 🤣
Read 16 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
The time has arrived from economic standpoint to identify the pace of Information Technology Industry, Live Action Film Industry and Animation Industry. In the past three decades Information Technology, Live Action Films and Animation have gone through massive technological
advancements that result in mature industry. These three can’t continue to co-exist in a city considering macro economics. A city’s ecosystem is inclined toward the majority business. Economic growth influence standard of living. Newly found collective financial independence
Read 22 tweets
Nov 9th 2019
Urban Photography exhibition & collection is a great way of visual storytelling that communicates the rapid growth of real-estate & infrastructure in last 5-10 years, aspiring people to invest in outskirts property, expanding the city limits, saving it from
Read 5 tweets

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