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Jun 2nd 2020
🔥We are about to see a #Trumpbloodbath. @realDonaldTrump is inciting a Civil War‼️ Get indoors and off the streets‼️ #AmericaOrTrump #TrumpIncitesViolence #AtlantaProtest #DCProtests…
🔥Trump: "As we speak, I’m dispatching THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of HEAVILY ARMED soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property. We will end it now." 🔥#TrumpBloodbath #AmericaOrTrump
🔥Here it is.. @realDonaldTrump’s civil war begins tonight. Our healthcare workers said that #Coronavirus felt like a war zone. It’s about to get exponentially worse. 👇
Read 3 tweets
Apr 13th 2019
Hi @SpeakerPelosi,

Suggestion: Announce the House is urgently summoning Trump’s acting head of the Secret Service to task them with the safety of House members placed at risk by a reckless POTUS.

Put responsibility for Trump’s incitement right in his lap.

Make him own it.
Make Trump responsible for the incitement, any negative consequences AND preventing them.

Put him at risk of being DOUBLY to blame if his words beget a danger his appointee doesn’t effectively prevent.

That risk of blame will stop that ignorant narcissist cold.
Trump believes the mail bombs sent by Cesar Sayoc are what doomed Repubs in the midterms.

He BELIEVES the public blamed him. While he doesn’t think he deserved it (he did) he has still been damaged by blame for others’ actions.

USE THAT. Expose him to that risk again.
Read 5 tweets

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