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Jun 19th 2020
Let's start asking the important questions about this resolution adopted by the @Europarl_EN:

What does it mean for the mass movement of people in the EU demanding racial justice?

What effect it will have on European institutions?
#BlackLivesMatter #PoliceBrutalityPandemic The European Parliament’s r...
“The @Europarl_EN resolution on anti-racism shows the importance of the large public movement demanding justice & is a wake-up call for the #EU to acknowledge the urgency of tackling racism, said @KMTaylorBerlin in response. @EU_Commission @helenadalli @MPriv_o @JuliePascoet #BLM Image
There are also no long-term measures for the future of policing in EU, especially measures & reflection on the use of violence in policing, which is, justified in the text, @KMTaylorBerlin said on the @Europarl_EN resolution.

Read Now:… #BlackLivesMattters It is disappointing that we...
Read 4 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
Ever wonder why our legal system lets #police literally get away with murder?

"...the real purpose of #QualifiedImmunity is to rig the system, ensuring that abusive agents of the govt almost always win and the victims of govt abuse almost always lose."…
As District Attorney of #SanFrancisco and Attorney General of #California, #KamalaHarris had many opportunities to #prosecute #police officers for #PoliceBrutality. She chose not to.… #ProsecuteKillerCops #PoliceBrutalityPandemic #KamalaHarrisForVP #vote
“Movement” politics is how the people flex their power... This is a lesson learned in the Sixties — a period when some years saw as many as 5,000 separate demonstrations."… #protest2020 #protest #resist #movement #Politics #Politicians #BlackLivesMatter
Read 3 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
"Shallow displays of solidarity... represent the insidious drive to gaslight us into apathy, to bury violence beneath a fleeting veil of showy concern."

"It’s the ultimate abusive relationship: the people and the state..."

by @ActivistEleanor… #protest
#DC cop wears a #facemask bearing the words, #ICantBreathe…still.”
Photo by @ActivistEleanor is an example of #StruggleTheater, where people in power are #Gaslighting us into feeling like will make systemic changes to #policing… #protests #PoliceBrutality Image
#BlackLivesMatter painted on the street means nothing when "DC’s newly proposed budget seeks a 3.3 percent increase in the #MPD budget, totaling $578 million plus $5 million for a new DC jail."…

#PoliceReform #PoliceBrutalityPandemic #PoliceBrutality Image
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Jun 6th 2020
Now that statements have been made and we got #whitecoatsforblacklives trending, what’s next?

What actions are we taking to deal with #PoliceBrutalityPandemic?

How are we going to deal with #racism in medicine?

Do they involve accountability?

Will there be transparency? Image
How do we hold these institutions accountable?

We tried diversity and inclusion, and IB training.

Not much change.

How do we hold our institutions accountable to go beyond statements and symbolism?

#BlackMedTwitter #MedTwitter
#BlackWomeninMedicine #BlackMeninMedicine
Will there be ability to report racism/sexism or any other misconduct, from colleagues/superiors/patients WITH protection from retaliation?
Read 3 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
The rest of the video
Do you see how he’s kneeling on her neck and head 😭 her whole upper body 😡#PoliceBrutalityPandemic
Read 5 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
To the Trauma and Medical community,

First, I’d like to thank the @SoMe4Trauma team for graciously hosting this discussion on #racism and #AntiBlackRacism in medicine and the role trauma plays.

The recent #GeorgeFloydMurder in Mnpls, MN has galvanized the world to protest in support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Cause of death: "asphyxiation from sustained pressure" when his neck and back were compressed by Minneapolis police officers”…
It didn’t have to take a second autopsy to confirm what the entire world saw on that video. A video I, and many Black parents, still can’t bear to watch.

But the fact that a second autopsy was performed at the request of Mr. Floyd’s family is pertinent to this discussion.
Read 27 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
Hoje em NYC. Um homem é empurrado de forma truculenta e desnecessária para cima de uma viatura pela Polícia. Ele se machucou e chegou a sangrar bastante. A brutalidade policial tem avançado, principalmente hoje em Nova York após o toque de recolher. #PoliceBrutality
Também hoje: em Little Rock, Arkansas, policia joga bombas em jovens desarmados que protestavam pacificamente ajoelhados e com as mãos para cima. Absurdo! #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceBrutality
Em Chicago, mais brutalidade:…
#PoliceBrutality #BlackLivesMatter
Read 19 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Security forces in the United States have been cracking down hard on those taking to the streets to demand an end to racism and police violence.

We gathered some of the incidents of repression that have happened over the weekend in the "land of the free" (a thread):
Trapped protesters with nowhere to go being suffocated with tear gas.
Peaceful protesters in Seattle being dispersed with pepper spray and tear gas.
Read 27 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Policemen throw a reporter into the fire for trying to take images of the scene.

@COAttnyGeneral @DenverPolice
#PoliceBrutality #BlackLivesMatter
Policemen turned off their body cams and started unnecessary firing of tear gas.

@COAttnyGeneral @DenverPolice
#PoliceBrutality #BlackLivesMatter
Read 11 tweets

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