Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #usbiolabs

Most recents (13)

1) Hey Twitter,

It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine".

I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached).

In this thread, I am going to administer the biggest "I told you so" in history.

2) For starters, thank you to @elonmusk for doing the right thing and allowing Free Speech to return to Twitter.

Now that I'm free, we are going to go over proof that the biolabs exist, and look at some of the MSM outlets' EGREGIOUS reporting on myself and my viral story.
3) On 3/8/22, Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland, testified before Congress, where @marcorubio questioned her on the existence of labs and biological weapons.

@UnderSecStateP admits that there are "biological research facilities" In Ukraine.…
Read 26 tweets
1) Zelensky dijo que los rusos están disparando contra “instalaciones militares”. ¿Qué tan amplio es ese término?

Veo especulaciones que podrían incluir biolabs instalados en EE. UU.
2) Primero verifiqué si los EE. UU. tienen labs biológicos en Ucrania. Resulta que... sí. Y al estilo clásico estadounidense, se comercializa como "defensa".

“Programa de Reducción de Amenazas Biológicas en Ucrania”.…
3) De acuerdo, estamos estudiando los patógenos más letales del mundo en la frontera con Rusia. Es solo para defensa. No es tan importante, ¿verdad?

EQUIVOCADO. No sabía esto hasta hoy, pero Rusia ha estado acusando a EE. UU. de crear "armas biológicas" en su frontera. ¡QUÉ!
Read 14 tweets
'#NATO using #ChemicalWeapons in #Bakhmut in order to stop the #Wagner groups | Jan 8, 2023.'

Timeline of #Chemical and #Biological #Weapons News Developments During Russia's 2022 Invasion of #Ukraine | Aug 2022…
Military Situation In #Bakhmut-#Soledar Region, #Ukraine, On Jan 7 (Map)
- Russian-led forces entered the Pidgorodne village;
Russian-led forces reached the central district of Soledar;
Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut
#Documents Expose Barack #Obama Ordered Construction Of #Biolabs In #Ukraine To Create Dangerous #Pathogens | March 9, 2022
- Sensitive #biolabs documents deleted by #USEmbassy and published by GreatGameIndia.
Read 9 tweets
Qualche giorno fa il ministero della difesa russo ha pubblicato un contorto grafico sui famigerati “biolaboratori ucraini”. Dentro c’è di tutto, da Biden fino alla Pfizer, passando per Soros.

Ma come siamo arrivati fin qui? E perché questa teoria ha fatto così presa? Un 🧵
Anzitutto, la teoria non è nata in Russia ma negli Stati Uniti – e più precisamente su Gab, una specie di Twitter dell’estrema destra Usa.

Il 14 febbraio un utente posta una mappa dei “biolaboratori” in Ucraina, ma il post non se lo fila nessuno.
Il giorno dell’invasione, l’utente @WarClandestine (poi sospeso) ripubblica la mappa su Twitter e dice che Putin sta colpendo proprio quelle strutture segrete.

Dopo qualche ora i suoi tweet sono ripresi da InfoWars, e da lì in poi l'hashtag #USBioLabs dilaga anche su TikTok.
Read 14 tweets
#ロシア 外務省 ザハロワ報道官の意見

バイオ・ #バイデン
#ウクライナ での軍事生物学的活動に対する米国の政治エリートの関与については、リークされた文書だけでなく、オープンソースに頼れば、おおよその見当をつけることが可能である。以下は、

1991年 米国は、旧ソ連諸国に対して、#生物兵器 を含むソ連の大量破壊兵器を管理・撤廃するためのNunn-Lugar 計画を開始。#ペンタゴン の国防脅威削減局(#DTRA)がこのプログラムの主な実施機関に指名された。
1993年 大量破壊兵器の拡散防止に関するウクライナ-米国協定に調印。
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National Pulse
#ローズモント・セネカ ・テクノロジー・パートナーズ(#RSTP)は、#ハンター・バイデン とクリストファー・ハインツが創設したローズモント・キャピタルの子会社である。両人は、RSTPのマネジング・ディレクターであった。

#USBiolabs #LaptopFromHell…
・RSTP の投資先の #Metabiota 社は、#ウクライナ#バイオラボ で致死性の病原体の特定と分離に協力したパンデミック追跡・対応企業であり、その過程でオバマ政権の国防総省(#DOD)から資金を受け取っていた
・RSTPは、2015年に Metabiota の初回資金調達を主導し、その額は3,000万ドルにのぼった。
・RSTPの元マネジング・ディレクターで共同創設者のニール・キャラハン氏は、Metabiota の顧問である。同氏は、ハンターのEメールに何度も登場する。
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#ロシア 政府は3月24日(木)に記者会見を開き、#ハンター・バイデン#ウクライナ における米軍の #生物兵器 研究プログラムに資金援助を行ったと主張した。

#USBiolabs #バイオラボ…
この主張が事実である可能性を示している。メールによると、ハンターは国防総省(#DOD)の請負業者である #Metabiota が数百万ドルの資金を確保するのを手伝った。
・彼はまた、ウクライナのバイオセキュリティーレベルの高い研究所に関わる科学プロジェクトのために、ガス会社 #ブリスマ にMetabiotaを紹介した。
・ハンターとその同僚は、自分たちの会社 #ローズモント・セネカ ・テクノロジー・パートナーズを通じて、Metabiotaに50万ドルを投資した。
Read 4 tweets
Rusia alega «actividades militares biológicas de EEUU en Ucrania» para justificar la invasión.

La campaña de propaganda y desinformación del Kremlin, consistente en una conspiración que ya existía, ha sido impulsada por QAnon y amplificada por la extrema derecha estadounidense.
Parece mentira que algunos no aprendiesen nada de Irak 2003. No existe ningún indicio ni evidencia que sostenga esta idea. Se basa únicamente en la ridícula suposición de que todos los laboratorios que acepten fondos estadounidenses tienen el objetivo de crear armas biológicas.
Sabemos que la financiación de programas y laboratorios de salud pública para investigación de enfermedades zoonóticas (para mitigar estas amenazas) no es secreta. Propagandistas y conspiracionistas se agarran a esto para reforzar la creencia de que EEUU tiene «algo que ocultar».
Read 24 tweets
Labos militaires bio-chimiques américains en Ukraine et ailleurs

Une stratégie militaire (<2005) digne des scénarios les plus apocalyptiques

Tout ceci est bien lié aux événements de Plandémie

L'OTAN, CIA et pairs sont les pires terroristes

Beware !
#Metabiota: Tentative de "Fact checking" timide

<Attention à ces affirmations sur des prétendus laboratoires ukrainiens financés par les Etats-Unis pour produire des "armes biologiques">

#NathanWolfe > Epstein/Maxwell

#DARPA > Skynet !
Read 30 tweets
Amidst the chaos of the past 2 weeks, concerns over Pentagon-run #USBiolabs within Ukraine have been bubbling up. @ClandestineNot posted a short thread on Feb 24th surmising as much, drawing connections between Russian precision-strike locations and known US biolabs. Image
Soon after the thread alleging biolab targeting went ~viral~, @ClandestineNot's entire account was nuked (archive of the full thread is linked).…
In light of a globally-orchestrated media coverup surrounding the NIH-funded Wuhan Lab origins of COVID, these biolab claims were worth looking into. Independent media began to scrape the internet for #USBiolabs info with interest, and during ensuing weeks the topic has exploded.
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1. Irish journalist Kevin was in Ukraine 2014 & stopped believing in Maidan Revolution after he realised he was being used by powerful US interests. He reported on US-trained snipers murdering 100 of their own Ukrainian protestors

Listen in at 27:35mins
2. Non-MSM American journalist Patrick Lancaster reports & interviews pro-Russian forces & civilians in Donetsk & Lugansk, attacks, shellings, casualties

Below he interviews pro-Russian Donetsk soldiers before they head to fight on the South Eastern front

British Journalist Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet reports on the lies being told by Ukraine & pushed by the Western msm
Read 22 tweets
#USBiolabs has been trending. The account claiming that Putin may have attacked US biolabs in Ukraine, presumably in response to covid conspiracies, is a follower of Q, has called for the execution of police, media, officials, and doctors, and has pushed past racist rhetoric. ImageImage
WarClandestine’s thread has thousands of RT’s and uses a map with circled locations as evidence.

That’s the problem. The locations don’t match up exactly. There also might be a McDonald’s in all those locations but it doesn’t mean Russia is targeting them. Image
What does this latest conspiracy theory mean?

Anti-vaccine and anti-mask conspiracy folks will in the US will see Russia’s attack on Ukraine as affirming their covid conspiracy theories. They will view attempts to sanction or retaliate against Russia as attempts at coverup.
Read 14 tweets
1) HOLY SHIT! I think I may be onto something about #Ukraine.

Zelensky said the Russians are firing at “military installations”. How broad is that term?

I am seeing speculation that could include US installed biolabs.

At first I was like no way.

Then I started digging. Image
2) First I checked if the US even have biolabs in Ukraine. Turns out… we do. And in classic US fashion, it’s marketed as “defense”.

“Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine”.

Studying the “most dangerous viruses in the world” at Russia’s border.…
3) Okay so we are studying the world’s most deadly pathogens at Russia’s border. It’s just for defense. Not that big of a deal right?

WRONG. I didn’t know this until today, but Russia has been accusing US of creating “bio-weapons” at their border. WHAT!…
Read 13 tweets

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