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🇺🇸 États-Unis
Karolina Stancik, 23 ans, ex membre de la garde nationale, a reçu le 💉 #Moderna
1ère & 2ème dose mars & avril 2021
Depuis :
. Problèmes respiratoires, neurologiques, AVC et 2 crises cardiaques 💔
Virée du service actif elle doit dorénavant payer ses traitements... Image
Avant cette obligation vaccinale, Karolina était en parfaite santé.
Thank you @StancikKaroline, god bless you 🙏
#Shame #USArmy #DOD
Plus de détails :…
@StancikKaroline Financement participatif ❤️ :
Read 4 tweets
#Twitter keeps blocking this article that explains the #Missouri #HB1169 & the integration of #mRNA vaccines into food. Why? #WeThePeople #DiedSuddenly #Vaccine #truth…
#twitter will not let me post what I want about this so I’m going to break it down and see where the issue is. #Republican House Speaker Dean Plocher is pushing the Rs in #Missouri to block #HB1169 - will he stand with #WeThePeople or #BigPharma?
The integration of vaccines into food has been studied and understood for many years - they are trying to hide it from the public. Especially the fact that they are now trying to do it with #mRNA #GeneTherapy #DiedSuddenly shots
Read 4 tweets
Das US-Verteidigungsministerium #DoD erteilte einen Vertrag für die #COVID19Forschung in der #Ukraine, drei Monate bevor die Existenz von Covid überhaupt bekannt wurde, also am 12. #November2019!
#Covid19Forschung in der #Ukraine als Teil eines umfangreichen Programms zur Eindämmung von biologischen Gefahren!
Eine Kooperation von #PeterDaszek & #EcoHealthAlliance und der #LabyrinthGlobalHealth und der mittlerweile bekannten, 2017 gegründeten Firma #Metabiota

Doch bereits in 2014 hatte eine Firma #Metabiota einen 18 Millionen Dollar Vertrag mit der #USRegierung als Subunternehmer der Firma Black & Veatch (#Georgien & #Ukraine) finanziert von #RosemontSenecaTechnology #RSTP von #HunterBiden.
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Pourquoi informer à chaud est TRÈS difficile, en particulier sur les questions militaires.
Cas d’ecole avec la chute du #Drone 🇺🇸 #MQ9 en mer noire suite à sa rencontre avec desChasseurs #Su27 Russes…
1/ l’article du Pentagone :
1Bis/ vidéo associée du porte parole du #DoD : 😎
Read 8 tweets
#Ukraine panic overkill! Desperate cover up attempt of illegal #US & #NATO activity (As usual). Watching old whatshername ... Victoria Nuland try lie her way out of the "Biological Research" (#DirectedEvolution) hole, & hearing her "political transition" (#Coup) leaked audio.
The Obama administration. State Dept Hillary (Suicided) Clinton and the CIA, took full control of Ukraine’s government. And Victoria Nuland facilitated. No wonder Musk is being threatened by NATO for allowing the thought crime.
Read 13 tweets
The fact that every prez and VP has a garage or shoebox full of #ClassifiedDocuments isn't (merely) evidence of political impunity - it's also the latest absurd turn in the long-running true scandal: the American epidemic of #overclassification and excessive #secrecy. 1/ A photograph of the Militar...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Thousands of American bureaucrats have unilaterally classified tens of millions of unremarkable documents without any legitimate basis for shielding them from public view. 3/
Read 17 tweets
25. Continued from previous 🧵

I began inquiries to try and verify the authenticity of the “Comirnaty-labeled” products that were now only available in limited quantities at military bases.

The @pfizer staff were not even aware “Comirnaty-labeled” products were circulating:
26. I also contacted the @US_FDA, Defense Health Agency (in charge of the rollout of the jabs), Marine Corps COVID Cell, and my local military treatment facilities to see if they could provide verification.

With my inquiries unanswered, I submitted this:…
27. I continued to try and verify the authenticity of the “Comirnaty-labeled” products and was told by @pfizer that they were “Comirnaty-labeled,” but couldn’t provide anything else…
Read 31 tweets
It’s unreal what the #DoD #Mandate is doing to destroy this member of the #USCG and family.

Six months away from retirement and it’s all taken away due to this illegal, immoral, and illogical mandate.

@SecDef @USCG @POTUS @SenRonJohnson @tedcruz ImageImageImageImage
If you’re fed up with this #USCGbetrayal take action with these steps below 👇…
Read 6 tweets
1/ #Russia claims modified #Mi8 helos are their new EW powerhouse #jammer. I don’t buy the hype, you shouldn’t either. Here’s why:…
2/ If 2 #EW #jamming pods is all it takes to overwhelm the #S300 #S400, then the #DoD’s $$trillions in F35 and other #SEAD investments were based on damn near criminally incorrect intelligence. Yes, Intel may have gotten it a bit wrong, but not this much.
3/ Re-read the #S300 / #S400 capabilities #Russia marketed in their sales pitch for years. Either those claims are wrong or this capability is not accurate. Both cannot be true... but both can be a lie.
Read 5 tweets
1/Thread on FBI Warrant, Trump & Nuclear Info

It was reported by @washingtonpost that "Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought ... according to people familiar with the investigation."…
2/At this point, we don't know if this is true or not. The @FBI's property receipt makes no mention of "Restricted Data" or "Formerly Restricted Data", which is usually how nuclear info is referenced. This info is controlled by Atomic Energy Act.…
3/Declassification of such info is statutorily handled by Secretary of @ENERGY or their designee & NOT the President of the United States.

Read 18 tweets
A bit frustrating to see people coming out with their 'books' about an obvious scam that some of us were shouting abt from the beginning..

So, I looked up Pinter & Martin publishers.. and this 🧵shows what I found..
Pinter & Martin Directors:

Ms Maria Ilona Pinter
Mr Martin Godo Wagner

Address: 6 Effra Parade, London, SW2 1PS…
Ms Maria Ilona Pinter is also director of Effraspace Ltd

Effraspace is "is host to a range of activities, from postnatal and pregnancy classes to meditation workshops, free film nights, private hire and a licensed cafe."…
Read 56 tweets
#ロシア 外務省 ザハロワ報道官の意見

バイオ・ #バイデン
#ウクライナ での軍事生物学的活動に対する米国の政治エリートの関与については、リークされた文書だけでなく、オープンソースに頼れば、おおよその見当をつけることが可能である。以下は、

1991年 米国は、旧ソ連諸国に対して、#生物兵器 を含むソ連の大量破壊兵器を管理・撤廃するためのNunn-Lugar 計画を開始。#ペンタゴン の国防脅威削減局(#DTRA)がこのプログラムの主な実施機関に指名された。
1993年 大量破壊兵器の拡散防止に関するウクライナ-米国協定に調印。
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National Pulse
#ローズモント・セネカ ・テクノロジー・パートナーズ(#RSTP)は、#ハンター・バイデン とクリストファー・ハインツが創設したローズモント・キャピタルの子会社である。両人は、RSTPのマネジング・ディレクターであった。

#USBiolabs #LaptopFromHell…
・RSTP の投資先の #Metabiota 社は、#ウクライナ#バイオラボ で致死性の病原体の特定と分離に協力したパンデミック追跡・対応企業であり、その過程でオバマ政権の国防総省(#DOD)から資金を受け取っていた
・RSTPは、2015年に Metabiota の初回資金調達を主導し、その額は3,000万ドルにのぼった。
・RSTPの元マネジング・ディレクターで共同創設者のニール・キャラハン氏は、Metabiota の顧問である。同氏は、ハンターのEメールに何度も登場する。
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#ロシア 政府は3月24日(木)に記者会見を開き、#ハンター・バイデン#ウクライナ における米軍の #生物兵器 研究プログラムに資金援助を行ったと主張した。

#USBiolabs #バイオラボ…
この主張が事実である可能性を示している。メールによると、ハンターは国防総省(#DOD)の請負業者である #Metabiota が数百万ドルの資金を確保するのを手伝った。
・彼はまた、ウクライナのバイオセキュリティーレベルの高い研究所に関わる科学プロジェクトのために、ガス会社 #ブリスマ にMetabiotaを紹介した。
・ハンターとその同僚は、自分たちの会社 #ローズモント・セネカ ・テクノロジー・パートナーズを通じて、Metabiotaに50万ドルを投資した。
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1/4 Russian Press Pravda states that 3 U.S🇺🇸 « Mercenaries »were killed in #Ukraine (#DPR)
Seems they had official ranks meaning they were instructors, not mercenaries, US Air Force Uniforms were found. One of the instructors was photographed in Ukraine:…
3/4 A Tennessee Flag was found on the site of the attack by the DPR militia near the remains, as well as a Rocket Launcher made by Nammo Talley #NammoTalley #Osint #US #Tennessee Image
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**NEWS** We’ve been researching, studying, and investing to determine where the future of payments infrastructure will be best served on the blockchain. Because wherever that is... @Payometry wants to be. 1/10
@Payometry After considering the three chains we found most likely to assume some form of payments infrastructure, one project stood head and shoulders above the rest. 2/10
@Payometry We are very proud to announce that we will be joining Constellation Network's second incubator cohort, the "V2 flight program." @Conste11ation #FlightV2
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These threads will cover:

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• Interoperability of DLT ledgers Image
Read 18 tweets
HOT OFF THE PRESSES! My team @CNA_org just finished a pair of reports looking at the #psychology of #disinformation. We sought to answer two main Qs: 1) How does disinfo work on your brain? 2) What, if anything, can #DOD do about it? Summary findings in this THREAD. 1/n
@CNA_org The first report answers the first question: How does #disinformation work on your brain?

You can find the full version of the report here:… 2/n
@CNA_org We identified four key psychological principles related to the absorption & spread of #disinformation: initial information processing; cognitive dissonance; the influence of groups, beliefs, & novelty; and the role of emotions & arousal. How do these work? 3/n
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Remarks on #Afghanistan from @PentagonPresSec's #DOD presser today in this THREAD. 1/n…
QUESTION: On #Afghanistan, is there been a decision yet on providing financial compensation of families of those civilians killed in the August 29th strike?

MR. KIRBY: I don't have an update for you on that today. 2/n
Q: Does the secretary owe Congress an update on over the horizon planning for #Afghanistan?

MR. KIRBY: I think what the secretary made clear in his sessions a week or so ago was that we would certainly communicate with Congress to the degree that they need more information...3/n
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JUST OUT! My team @CNA_org just completed a quick-look project – led by Alex Powell – looking at lessons from historical examples of #maritime #sabotage for #StrategicCompetition. I’ll summarize some key findings & implications in this THREAD. 1/n
@CNA_org (You can find the full report on the @CNA_org website here:…) 2/n Image
@CNA_org The impetus for this study was discussions w/various #SOF entities as well as the call for work in this area by the Joint Special Operations University in its 2021 “Special Operations Research Topics” guide:… 3/n
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I’ve seen lots of discussion lately about #Taliban-captured weapons in #Afghanistan, much of which is ill-informed. So, I’m going to discuss five myths about this topic in this THREAD. 1/n
(Note: The format for this was inspired by this excellent “five myths about the #Taliban” article by @a_a_jackson that you should also read) 2/n…
Myth 1: The #Taliban have captured $88 billion worth of weapons & equipment.

Not true. That number is (according to @SIGARHQ) the sum total of funding appropriated (not all of which was spent) for security reconstruction (mostly, the #ANDSF) since 2002. 3/n
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Given recent events in #Afghanistan & my focus on that country since 2008, I’ve been engaging in a lot of professional reflection of late. I'm going to share some results of that in this (long) THREAD. 1/n
To do this, I went back and re-read everything I’ve written publicly on #Afghanistan over the past two years, as well as a few pertinent older pieces. I’ll post links to these articles as I go. 2/n
I’ll start w/this article I wrote in @WarOnTheRocks in 2016. In it, I described how the #Taliban were steadily encroaching on key rural areas of #Afghanistan & how the #ANDSF were struggling to stop them. 3/n…
Read 67 tweets
Comments on #Afghanistan from yesterday's #DOD presser w/@PentagonPresSec in this THREAD. 1/n…
MR. KIRBY: I have seen lots of press reporting this morning about assessments coming out of #Afghanistan. I know you're all interested in that, let me tell you, I am not going to talk specifically about intelligence assessments one way or the other... 2/n
...We continue to monitor the situation in #Afghanistan closely. We are mindful of the deteriorating security situation. And our focus right now remains on supporting the Afghan forces in the field where and when feasible we can from the air, as well as completing ... 3/n
Read 105 tweets
Comments on #Afghanistan from yesterday's #DOD presser w/@PentagonPresSec in this THREAD. 1/n…
@PentagonPresSec Q: The air strikes that the U.S. has done thus far over the past three or four weeks with some regularity, how much difference have those air strikes made on the ground, in terms of the battlefield? 2/n
@PentagonPresSec & secondly, I'd like to ask you about @SecDef's thinking on this question about the utility of limited air strikes in #Afghanistan. So as you get to Aug 31st, what is his view about, do air strikes alone by the U.S. make a decisive – can they make a decisive difference? 3/n
Read 49 tweets

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